18 September 2020
: Case report
Mycosis Fungoides Palmaris et Plantaris on the Plantar Aspect of the Foot: A Case Report
Challenging differential diagnosis, Rare disease
Ian Beiser1BCDEF, Joon Yim2BCDE, Erin Robles-Sherman1BCDE, Gene S. Mirkin1AE, Xingpei Hao2ABCDEF*DOI: 10.12659/AJCR.923361
Am J Case Rep 2020; 21:e923361
Figure 1. Histopathology and immunostaining profiles of mycosis fungoides palmaris et plantaris. (A) An infiltrate of the atypical lymphocytes in the upper dermis (hematoxylin and eosin [H&E], 40×1). (B) Round or ovoid atypical lymphocytes with cerebriform nuclear contour and no clear nuclear membrane or nucleoli (HE, 400×1). (C) Atypical lymphocytes infiltrating into the epidermis (epidermotropism) (HE, 100×1). (D) Atypical lymphocytes infiltrating into eccrine sweat glands (syringotropism) (HE, 100×1). (E) Perivascular infiltration of the atypical lymphocytes in the dermis (HE, 100×1). (F) Strong CD4 expression in atypical lymphocytes (3, 3 -diaminobenzidine [DAB], 100×1). (G) Reduced CD7 expression in atypical lymphocytes (DAB, 100×1). (H) Reduced CD8 expression in atypical lymphocytes (DAB, 100×1).