04 September 2020 : Case report
Atypical Enhancement of Gd-BOPTA on the Hepatobiliary Phase in Hepatic Metastasis from Carcinoid Tumor – Case Report
Unknown etiology, Mistake in diagnosis
Patryk Pozowski1E*, Paula Misiak2E, Kinga Szymańska1ABF, Rafał Mazur1B, Małgorzata Sierpowska3C, Jurand Silicki1D, Milena Celmer1F, Mateusz Łasecki1A, Aleksander Pawluś1B, Urszula Zaleska-Dorobisz1GDOI: 10.12659/AJCR.924280
Am J Case Rep 2020; 21:e924280
Figure 2. Hypointensity of the lesion in T1-weighted pre-contrast imaging: (A) in-phase, (B) with fat saturation.