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20 August 2020 : Case report  Brazil

Transmural Migration of Gossypiboma with Intraluminal Small-Bowel Obstruction: A Case Report

Diagnostic / therapeutic accidents

João Batista de Sousa1ADEF*, Bruno Augusto Alves Martins1BDE, Iulia Anael Rocha Ferreira2DE, Silvana Marques e Silva3EF, Paulo Gonçalves de Oliveira1AD

DOI: 10.12659/AJCR.924506

Am J Case Rep 2020; 21:e924506

Figure 1. Dilated and thickened ileal loop with the retained gauze sponge partially protruding from a transverse incision.

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American Journal of Case Reports eISSN: 1941-5923
American Journal of Case Reports eISSN: 1941-5923