12 December 2020
: Case report
Isolated Systemic Arterial Supply to Normal Lung with Aneurysm Formation: A Rare Entity with An Even Rarer Complication
Rare disease
Nicole Kessa Wee1ABEF*, Martin Weng Chin H’ng1AEF, Sundeep Punamiya1FDOI: 10.12659/AJCR.926409
Am J Case Rep 2020; 21:e926409
Figure 1. Axial CECT image in the portal venous phase showing an enhancing oval-shaped lesion (asterix) in the lower lobe of the left lung. Portions of its walls show mural calcification. Adjacent to it was a conglomerate of tortuous and dilated vessels deriving its arterial supply from the descending thoracic aorta.