27 November 2020
: Case report
Multiple Primary Malignancies of the Colon, Stomach, and Kidney in a Patient with Bowel Obstruction Requiring Emergency Surgery: A Case Report
Rare coexistence of disease or pathology
Kholoud H. AlBaqmi1ABDEFG*, Faisal A. AlMudaiheem1ABDEFG, Sami Boghdadly1ABDEFG, Khadijah A. AlHussaini2D, Nada Shokor3D, Nourah AlOudah3DDOI: 10.12659/AJCR.926472
Am J Case Rep 2020; 21:e926472
Figure 4. (A) Gross image of the left splenic flexure colonic mass. The mass is ulcerated and measures 4.5×4.0×1.5 cm. A low-magnification microscopic image of the colonic mass (moderately differentiated colonic adenocarcinoma). There are infiltrating, atypical glands with desmoplastic reaction. (B) The tumor extends into the pericolic adipose tissue. A higher-magnification microscopic image of the colonic mass. (C) Extensive surface erosion with inflammatory exudate also is present, which suggests ulceration. Unremarkable colonic mucosa (arrow) is adjacent to the infiltrative tumor cells. (D) The tumor is composed of infiltrating, atypical glands with large nuclei and focal luminal necrosis along with a desmoplastic reaction, consistent with moderately differentiated colonic adenocarcinoma.