19 August 2020
: Case report
Comparison of the Clinical Course of COVID-19 Pneumonia and Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome in 2 Passengers from the Cruise Ship Diamond Princess in February 2020
Unusual or unexpected effect of treatment, Rare disease
Kazuki Matsumura1A, Yukitoshi Toyoda1A*, Shokei Matsumoto1A, Yoshiaki Kawai1E, Takaaki Mori1E, Kosei Omasa1E, Takuya Fukada1E, Masaki Yamada1F, Taku Kazamaki1E, Shintaro Furugori1A, Nao Hiroe1F, Satomi Senoo1F, Masayuki Shimizu1F, Tomohiro Funabiki1E, Motoyasu Yamazaki1ADOI: 10.12659/AJCR.926835
Am J Case Rep 2020; 21:e926835
Figure 2. Chest computed tomographic images of a 70-year-old patient with moderate acute respiratory distress syndrome due to COVID-19-associated pneumonia. (A) Chest computed tomographic images obtained on the day of admission revealed bilateral subpleural ground-glass opacities. (B) Images taken on the fourth day after intubation show initial shrinking of ground-glass opacity shadows and their subsequent spreading. The shadows resemble those in diffuse alveolar damage. (C) Images taken on the 25th day before discharge reveal the absence of ground-glass opacities.