24 December 2021 : Case report
Giant High-Grade Immature Teratoma of the Central Nervous System (CNS) in an Infant: A Case Report
Congenital defects / diseases
Ali Riazi1AB*, Mehrdad Larry1BDE, Ali Mokhtari1BC, Hossein Abdali2BC, Mehrnaz Asfia3BE, Sara Bagherieh2EDOI: 10.12659/AJCR.932752
Am J Case Rep 2021; 22:e932752
Figure 4. Different tissue specimens under the microscope. Sections showed a mixture of embryonal and adult tissues derived from all 3 germ layers in solid and cystic fashion. Immature primitive neuroepithelial elements were seen in multiple foci. Figure A–E represent different parts of the teratoma tissue under microscope with 40-power magnification and hematoxylin and eosin staining) In Figure A, red arrow shows neural tissue in a glial texture shown with blue. In Figure B, skin tissue is shown with pilosebaceous elements shown with red arrow. Figure C shows immature neural tissue and cellular foci with small round to oval cells presenting immature cells in loose stroma shown with blue arrow. Figure D shows glial tissue with red arrow. Figure E presents immature epithelial tissue resembling both skin and lung epithelial tissue, shown with blue arrow.