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10 July 2021 : Case report  Malaysia

Diagnostic and Treatment Challenges in Cerebral Tuberculoma in a Patient with Morbid Obesity

Challenging differential diagnosis, Unusual or unexpected effect of treatment

Qi Ying Wong1ABCDEFG*, Andy Sing Ong Tang1ABCDEFG, Wei Huei Loh1ABCDEF, Xin Min Yong2BDEF, Desmond Samuel1BEG, Wan Chung Law3ACDEF, Hock Hin Chua4ACDEF

DOI: 10.12659/AJCR.932852

Am J Case Rep 2021; 22:e932852

Figure 1. (A) Multiple enhancing lesions of varying sizes scattered predominantly in the supratentorial brain. Most of them depicted a hypointense signal on T2-weighted image and T1-weighted image with rim enhancement after gadolinium contrast. (B) Some of the lesions coalesced, representing a conglomerate of tubercular micro-granulomas. (C) The lesions decreased in number and size but retained similar imaging characteristics as those of caseating granulomas, without central T2-weighted image hyperintensity to suggest progression to central liquefaction or tuberculous abscesses. (D) Increasing perilesional edema at the left medial temporal lobe associated with the left suprasellar lesions. (E) Residual lesions of the left suprasellar tuberculomas conglomerates.

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American Journal of Case Reports eISSN: 1941-5923
American Journal of Case Reports eISSN: 1941-5923