27 December 2022 : Case report
A 14-Year-Old Saudi Boy with Gynecomastia, Cushing Syndrome, Large-Cell Calcifying Sertoli Cell Tumor of the Testis, and Carney Complex
Challenging differential diagnosis, Rare disease
Tahrir Khalf Alruwaili1ABDEF, Khalid Ibrahim Alkanhal1ABDEF, Anas M. AlShoomi 1DF, Deemah Ali Almanie1EF, Moaad Hassan Alahmed1BDEFG*DOI: 10.12659/AJCR.937404
Am J Case Rep 2022; 23:e937404
Figure 4. Photomicrograph of the diagnostic histopathology of a large cell calcifying Sertoli cell tumor of the testis in a 14-year-old Saudi boy. The tumor consists of cords and nests of uniform pale eosinophilic cells with small regular nuclei. There is no necrosis, and no mitoses are present. A focus of microcalcification is seen (arrow), which is typical of large cell calcifying Sertoli cell tumor of the testis. Hematoxylin and eosin (H&E). Magnification ×40.