24 October 2022 : Case report
A 68-Year-Old Woman with a Remote History of Breast Cancer Presenting with Low Back Pain to a Chiropractic Clinic in Hong Kong with Imaging Findings Consistent with a Vertebral Hemangioma and Vertebral Metastatic Lesions
Mistake in diagnosis, Rare disease
Eric Chun-Pu Chu 1ABCDE, Robert J. Trager 2CDEF*, Alan Te Chang Chen1ABCE, John Sing Fai Shum3CDEDOI: 10.12659/AJCR.938034
Am J Case Rep 2022; 23:e938034
Figure 2. Lumbar magnetic resonance imaging, mid-sagittal T1-weighted (A) and T2-weighted images (B). Diffuse bone marrow replacement evident as T1-weighted hypointense and heterogeneous T2-weighted hyperintense signal is seen throughout the axial spine and sacrum, suggestive of bone metastases (arrowheads).