23 November 2022
: Case report
Pelvic Ring and Peritrochanteric Fractures in a Patient with Osteogenesis Imperfecta Treated Surgically: Case Report with a 5-Year Follow-Up
Management of emergency care, Congenital defects / diseases
Andrzej Zawadzki1ADEF, Sylwester Dawid2BE, Mateusz Kulig3BE, Marcin Skorupski2B, Maciej Otworowski4DEF*DOI: 10.12659/AJCR.938414
Am J Case Rep 2022; 23:e938414
Figure 3. X-ray made on the follow-up visit, 4 months after the first procedure. The dynamic hip screw and pelvic reconstruction plate are visible. There is radiographic bone union in the pelvis and femur and heterotopic ossification around the right obturator foremen. We have not been able to retrieve the preoperative X-ray, as part of the radiographic data was lost during a transfer between 2 servers.