06 February 2023 : Case report
Mitral Valve Replacement for Enlarged Libman-Sacks Endocarditis in a Patient with Persistent Primary Antiphospholipid Syndrome and Recurrent Stroke: A Case Report
Unusual setting of medical care, Rare coexistence of disease or pathology
Katsuya Takeuchi1BC, Tesseki Izumi1ABDEF*, Hitoki Nanaura1B, Nanami Yamada1B, Yoshihiro Hayata2BD, Chiho Obayashi3BD, Kazuma Sugie1BDDOI: 10.12659/AJCR.938930
Am J Case Rep 2023; 24:e938930
Figure 1. (A–1) Head MRI of our patient’s first cerebral infarction showed hyperintensity (circle) in diffusion-weighted images (A–2) and low intensity (circle) on an apparent diffusion coefficient map, along bilateral anterior and posterior circulation lesions. (B–1) Head MRI of the recurrence of our patient’s cerebral infarction showed faint hyperintensity (circle) in diffusion-weighted images (B–2) and low intensity (circle) on an apparent diffusion coefficient map, along a left parietal lesion (TR/TE): (4000/95). MRI – magnetic resonance imaging; TR/TE – repetition time/echo time (for the control of image contrast in weighted MRI).