19 October 2023
: Case report
Thyroglobulin as a Rapid and Cost-Effective Biomarker for Diagnosis of Thyroid Carcinoma Brain Metastasis: A Case Report of a Patient with Metastatic Hurthle Cell Thyroid Carcinoma
Unusual clinical course, Unusual setting of medical care
Konstantinos Ntotsikas1ABEF*, Sofia Lazarioti1ABDEF, Vasiliki Daraki2ACE, Elias Drakos34BD, Panagiotis-Nikolaos Tsakalomatis

DOI: 10.12659/AJCR.939025
Am J Case Rep 2023; 24:e939025
Figure 3. Metastasis of thyroid papillary carcinoma in the brain. Nuclear pseudo-inclusions and grooves indicated by the arrow and the arrowhead. The neoplasm exhibits a papillary pattern and typical morphological nuclear features of thyroid papillary carcinoma. Hematoxylin and eosin (H&E). Magnification, objective ×400.