15 June 2023 : Case report
Chocolate-Colored Pseudochylothorax in a Woman with a History of Pleuropulmonary Tuberculosis
Challenging differential diagnosis, Rare disease
Laura Braga Monnerat 1ABEF, Elisa Barbosa Louzada1ABEF, Vanessa Godinho Souza Braga1ABEF, Mariana Soares da Cal 1ABEF, Agnaldo José Lopes 123ABEFG*, Thiago Thomaz Mafort 12ABEFDOI: 10.12659/AJCR.939473
Am J Case Rep 2023; 24:e939473
Figure 1. Computed tomography images of the chest at the time of presentation. Slices at the upper level – (A) lung window and (B) mediastinal window – showing a small pleural effusion on the left (arrow), with some dense striae extending to the lung parenchyma and some calcified foci (stars), in addition to reduced hemithorax volume; there are still images compatible with bronchiectasis in the posterior region of the right lung (circle). Slices at the middle level – (C) lung window and (D) mediastinal window – show pleural effusion with a dense appearance on the left (arrow), with thickened pleural leaflets and interspersed calcified foci (stars), in addition to reduced hemithorax volume; there are still images compatible with bronchiectasis in the posterior region of the right lung (circle). Slices at the lower level – (E) lung window and (F) mediastinal window – showing dense-looking pleural effusion occupying the left hemithorax (arrow).