19 April 2023 : Case report
A Case of a Refractory Bleeding Giant Vaginal Wall Cavernous Hemangioma Successfully Managed with Sclerotherapy
Rare disease
Mari Fukuoka1ABCDEF, Toshiyuki Okumura1ABCDEF*, Ayato Hayashi2ABCDEF, Natsumi Takeda1ABCDEF, Akari Koizumi1BDEF, Takafumi Ujihira1BDEF, Shintaro Makino1ABCDEFDOI: 10.12659/AJCR.939474
Am J Case Rep 2023; 24:e939474
Figure 3. (A) Dynamic computed tomography scan (axial) of the pelvic region in the arterial layer showing a strong contrast effect in the entire vagina, which is suggestive of abundant blood flow (white arrowheads). Urinary bladder (white arrow), rectum (yellow arrow). (B) Two months after embolization. Vaginal wall hemangioma is obscured (white arrowhead); urinary bladder (white arrow); rectum (yellow arrow). (C) Contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance image (T2, sagittal) of the pelvic region showing the entire vaginal wall seemed to be replaced by a hemangioma with a diameter of 10 cm (white arrowheads); urinary bladder (white arrow); rectum (yellow arrow). (D) Four months after sclerotherapy; vaginal wall hemangioma became obscured; uterus (white arrow); vagina (yellow arrow).