07 October 2023 : Case report
Locally Invasive Papillary Intralymphatic Angioendothelioma Arising Within a Lymphatic/Venous Malformation
Challenging differential diagnosis, Rare disease
Reham Al-Refai1ABDEF*, Doaa Morrar1AEF, Ahmed Bendari1AEF, Sunder Sham1AEF, Pamela Unger1AEF, Morris Edelman2AEFDOI: 10.12659/AJCR.940602
Am J Case Rep 2023; 24:e940602
Figure 1. Histological features of the lesion, A: LVM infiltrating deep between skeletal muscle and fibroadipose tissue with scattered vascular groups occluded by lymphocytes and papillary structures, B: Some areas have cytologically bland spindle cell proliferation with ‘’kaposiform’’ morphology (10×), C: Papillary structures projecting into the lumen, covered by plump ‘’hobnail’’ endothelial cells and fibrin cores (20×).