08 December 2023
: Case report
Unusual Case of Splenic Metastasis in Adenosquamous Carcinoma of the Cervix Uteri: Diagnosis and Treatment Considerations
Unusual clinical course
Gilbert Georg Klamminger12ABCDEF*, Caroline Burgard3BCD, Florian Rosar

DOI: 10.12659/AJCR.941600
Am J Case Rep 2023; 24:e941600
Figure 2. (A) The portalvenous phase computed tomography scan showed a splenic lesion with a central hypodense area and a thick enhancing rim, while the adjacent adipose tissue is unremarkable. (B) The venous phase T1 fs magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) displayed a solid, strong enhancing rim of the splenic lesion with no hyperperfusion of the adjacent splenic tissue. (C) Correspondingly, the T2w MRI (HASTE) showed a high signal center, indicating the necrotic area. The splenic lesion is marked by a blue arrow bar.