23 February 2024 : Case report
Definitive Closure Using an Ovine Reinforced Tissue Matrix in Contaminated Penetrating Abdominal Trauma
Unusual clinical course, Challenging differential diagnosis, Management of emergency care, Clinical situation which can not be reproduced for ethical reasons
Luis G. Fernandez1ABDEF*, Jason Murry1B, Marc R. Matthews2ADE, Christopher L. Thompson3CD, Mohamed Abdelgawad1F, Rebekah Bjorklund1FDOI: 10.12659/AJCR.943188
Am J Case Rep 2024; 25:e943188
Figure 6. Case 2: Open skull fracture with exposed brain, major lacerations to the shoulder, right hemithorax and abdomen causing a large right-flank hernia (A) due to an automated trencher accident. Arrows in (A) indicate the thoraco-abdominal penetrating injury, large and deep abdominal subcutaneous laceration, and eviscerated colon and small bowel. A right hemicolectomy with primary anastomosis was performed where (B) shows the right-flank defect hernia (20×15 cm defect), (C) OviTex 1S Resorbable RTM (6-layer, 10×20 cm) used as a sublay repair for the right-flank hernia, (D) open abdomen dressing, and (E) negative-pressure wound therapy and temporary abdominal closure (NPWT/TAC) applied within the open abdomen and the thoraco-abdominal flank incision.