19 May 2024
: Case report
Oculomotor Nerve Palsy Induced by a Cerebral Developmental Venous Anomaly: A Case Report and Comprehensive Review
Unknown etiology, Challenging differential diagnosis, Unusual or unexpected effect of treatment
Jianying Zhang12ABEF, Sisi Wang1EF, Ying Jiang3BE, Yue Zhang2ABE*DOI: 10.12659/AJCR.943363
Am J Case Rep 2024; 25:e943363
Figure 1. (A–C) MR demonstrates an offending vessel (A, B: arrow) compressing the left oculomotor nerve (A, B: arrowhead) in the interpeduncular fossa. Representative images of the patient with left eyelid ptosis (C: top) and pupil involvement (C: bottom).