09 June 2024
: Case report
Successful Treatment of Cervical Spondylolysis with Grade-II Spondylolisthesis using Single-Level ACDF: A Case Report
Rare coexistence of disease or pathology
Lei Qi1CDE, Liang Wang1ABCDEFG*DOI: 10.12659/AJCR.943823
Am J Case Rep 2024; 25:e943823
Figure 1. Preoperative X-ray (A1–A6), computed tomography (B1–B8), and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) (C1–C5) showed bilateral C6 spondylolysis (arrows) and Grade-II spondylolisthesis of C6 on C7. C6–C7 instability was visible by dynamic X-ray (A3, A4). Spinal bifida of C6 (B9, arrow) and S1 (D, arrow) were present. MRI showed no cord compression or multilevel disc with degeneration sign (C2).