27 May 2024
: Case report
A Prefixed Four-Trunk Brachial Plexus with Anomalous Anatomy of All Subsequent Divisions, Cords, and Terminal Branches: A Cadaveric Case Report
Unknown etiology, Educational Purpose (only if useful for a systematic review or synthesis)
Maya Mendonsa1ABDEF, Megan Busch1BDE, Hashir Faheem1BDE, Yusuf Nawras1BDE, Eric Lassiter1DE*, Adel Maklad123ABDEDOI: 10.12659/AJCR.943866
Am J Case Rep 2024; 25:e943866
Figure 4. Terminal branches of the posterior divisions and cords. (A) A low-magnification image of the posterior divisions forming the posterior cord and posterior accessory cord. Images were taken after the anterior divisions had been cut and reflected. The STPD (blue arrow) joined the SMTPD (red arrow) to form the accessory posterior cord (green arrow). The IMTPD (blue arrowhead) joined the ITPD (red arrowhead) along with a branch from the accessory posterior cord (green arrowhead) to form the posterior cord (magenta arrow). (B) A magnified image showing the branches of the accessory posterior cord (green arrow). The accessory posterior cord gave off the upper subscapular nerve (labeled), a root to the posterior cord (green arrowhead), the lower subscapular nerve, and continued as the axillary nerve into the quadrangular space (red dashed square). (C) A magnified image focused on the branches of the posterior cord. Arrow color labels correspond with panel A. The posterior cord gave off the thoracodorsal nerve and continued as the radial nerve, which entered into the triangular interval (red dashed triangle).