30 July 2024
: Case report
Late-Onset Mesh Infection Manifesting as Preperitoneal Abscess and Cutaneous Fistula Post-TEP Inguinal Hernia Repair: A Case Report
Diagnostic / therapeutic accidents
Angel Chao1ABDEF, Hao-Chien Hung2ABDEF*DOI: 10.12659/AJCR.944843
Am J Case Rep 2024; 25:e944843
Figure 2. (A) An ultrasound examination performed at presentation revealed a sizable (15.4×9.5 cm) preperitoneal multilocular abscess (arrowheads) with thick walls and internal striped artifacts, indicative of a mesh (short arrows). Enhanced computed tomography (CT) scan in (B) coronal view and (C) axial view showed complicated hypodense areas (arrows) occupying the preperitoneal space without intraperitoneal involvement. Note that the abscess-cutaneous fistula (long arrow) connected the skin opening with the deep-seated abscess.