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04 November 2024 : Case report  Mexico

Surgical Management of Acute Forearm Compartment Syndrome Due to Suspected Edematous Cutaneous Loxoscelism

Challenging differential diagnosis, Patient complains / malpractice, Rare disease, Clinical situation which can not be reproduced for ethical reasons

Ángel Sánchez Tinajero ORCID logo1ABCDEFG*, Iván Santana Salgado ORCID logo1ABD, Danna Patricia Ruiz Santillan2ABCEFG, Alexis Genaro Ortiz Altamirano1ABCDEF, Erika Sierra Rodriguez ORCID logo1AEG, David Alejandro Resendiz Zavala ORCID logo1AEG

DOI: 10.12659/AJCR.945401

Am J Case Rep 2024; 25:e945401

Figure 2. (A) Posterior fasciotomies, with tension-free restraint sutures in the right forearm and dorsum of the hand. (B) Anterior fasciotomy of the forearm to release the flexor retinaculum.

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American Journal of Case Reports eISSN: 1941-5923
American Journal of Case Reports eISSN: 1941-5923