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02 March 2019 : Case report  USA

Elevated Factor VIII Level Associated with Transverse Cerebral Venous Sinus Thrombosis

Challenging differential diagnosis, Rare disease

Muhammad Shabbir Rawala1ABDEF*, Muhammad Muslim Noorani2AE, Rajat Gulati3DF, Shamaiza Waqas4EF, Darshan Dave1AEF

DOI: 10.12659/AJCR.913917

Am J Case Rep 2019; 20:274-277


BACKGROUND: Cerebral venous sinus thrombosis (CVST) is an uncommon cause of stroke. CVST can be caused by systemic conditions as well as mechanical factors that reduce blood flow to promote thrombosis. These can include hormonal therapies, pregnancy, malignancy, genetic conditions. trauma, neurosurgical procedures, and adjacent infections (mostly mastoiditis). This case report describes a patient with right transverse sinus thrombosis with no prior risk factors.

CASE REPORT: A 50-year-old female with no risk factors presented with complaints of headache associated with diplopia for 2 weeks. She did not have any other neurologic signs or symptoms. The patient initially underwent a cerebral magnetic resonance imaging that revealed right transverse sinus thrombosis. She underwent an extensive procoagulant workup and was found to have an increased factor VIII level. All other workups were negative. The patient was started on heparin infusion and bridged to coumadin to achieve a therapeutic international normalized ratio. The patient had improvement in her headache symptoms and was discharged to be followed as an outpatient.

CONCLUSIONS: We report a case of right transverse sinus thrombosis in a patient with increased factor VIII levels. It is prudent to promptly diagnose cerebral sinus venous thrombosis and start antithrombotic treatment for complete resolution of symptoms.

Keywords: Cranial Sinuses, Factor VIII, Venous Thrombosis, lateral sinus thrombosis

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American Journal of Case Reports eISSN: 1941-5923
American Journal of Case Reports eISSN: 1941-5923