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20 April 2021 : Case report  Greece

A Case of Reconstruction of a Type IIIc Open Tibial Fracture with Bone Loss and Warm Ischemia Time of 13 Hours: Quality of Life and Review of the Literature

Diagnostic / therapeutic accidents, Management of emergency care

Antonios Kouzelis1ABDE*, Stavros B. Balasis2DE, Aikaterini Bavelou1BCEF, George Ch. Lampropoulos3B, Eleftheria Antoniadou4CDEF, Vasileios Athanasiou1BF, Zinon T. Kokkalis1BF, Andreas Panagopoulos1ADF

DOI: 10.12659/AJCR.929993

Am J Case Rep 2021; 22:e929993

Table 1. The table presents the answers of both patient (A) and caregiver (B) to the questionnaire.

A. Good general health50 points
B. Good general health50 points
A. Much better health than one year ago100 points
B. Much better health than one year ago100 points
A. limited a lot0 points
B. limited a lot0 points
A. limited a little50 points
B. limited a little50 points
A. Not limited100 points
B. Not limited 1100 points
A. Limited a lot0 points
B. Limited a little50 points
A. Limited a little50 points
B. Limited a little50 points
A. Limited a lot0 points
B. Limited a lot0 points
A. Not limited100 points
B. Limited a little50 points
A. Not limited100 points
B. Limited a little50 points
A. Not limited100 points
B. Not limited100 points
A. Limited a little50 points
B. Limited a little50 points
A. No decrease in time100 points
B. No decrease in time100 points
A. Accomplished less0 points
B. Accomplished less0 points
A. Was limited0 points
B. Not Limited100 points
A. Difficulty performing work0 points
B. Difficulty performing work0 points
A. No decrease100 points
B. No decrease100 points
A. Accomplish less0 points
B. No difference100 points
A. No difference100 points
B. No difference100 points
A. No interference100 points
B. No interference100 points
A. No bodily pain100 points
B. Mild bodily pain80 points
A. No interference100 points
B. No interference100 points
A. Full of pep100 points
B. Full of pep100 points
A. A little of the time80 point
B. A little of the time80 point
A. Never felt so down in the dumps that nothing could cheer up100 points
B. Never felt so down in the dumps that nothing could cheer up100 points
A. Most of the time80 points
B. Most of the time80 points
A. Always100 points
B. Always100 points
A. A little of the time80 points
B. No time100 points
A. A little of the time80 points
B. A little of the time80 points
A. Most of the time80 points
B. Most of the time80 points
A. Some of the time60 points
A. Little bit of the time80 points
A. Not interfere100 points
B. Not interfere100 points
A. Definitely true0 points
B. Definitely true0 points
A. Mostly true75 points
B. Mostly true75 points
A. Definitely false100 points
B. Definitely false100 points
A. Mostly true75 points
B. Mostly true75 points

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American Journal of Case Reports eISSN: 1941-5923
American Journal of Case Reports eISSN: 1941-5923