20 April 2021
: Case report
A Case of Reconstruction of a Type IIIc Open Tibial Fracture with Bone Loss and Warm Ischemia Time of 13 Hours: Quality of Life and Review of the Literature
Diagnostic / therapeutic accidents, Management of emergency care
Antonios Kouzelis1ABDE*, Stavros B. Balasis2DE, Aikaterini Bavelou1BCEF, George Ch. Lampropoulos3B, Eleftheria Antoniadou4CDEF, Vasileios Athanasiou1BF, Zinon T. Kokkalis1BF, Andreas Panagopoulos1ADFDOI: 10.12659/AJCR.929993
Am J Case Rep 2021; 22:e929993
Table 1. The table presents the answers of both patient (A) and caregiver (B) to the questionnaire.
A. Good general health | 50 points |
B. Good general health | 50 points |
A. Much better health than one year ago | 100 points |
B. Much better health than one year ago | 100 points |
A. limited a lot | 0 points |
B. limited a lot | 0 points |
A. limited a little | 50 points |
B. limited a little | 50 points |
A. Not limited | 100 points |
B. Not limited 1 | 100 points |
A. Limited a lot | 0 points |
B. Limited a little | 50 points |
A. Limited a little | 50 points |
B. Limited a little | 50 points |
A. Limited a lot | 0 points |
B. Limited a lot | 0 points |
A. Not limited | 100 points |
B. Limited a little | 50 points |
A. Not limited | 100 points |
B. Limited a little | 50 points |
A. Not limited | 100 points |
B. Not limited | 100 points |
A. Limited a little | 50 points |
B. Limited a little | 50 points |
A. No decrease in time | 100 points |
B. No decrease in time | 100 points |
A. Accomplished less | 0 points |
B. Accomplished less | 0 points |
A. Was limited | 0 points |
B. Not Limited | 100 points |
A. Difficulty performing work | 0 points |
B. Difficulty performing work | 0 points |
A. No decrease | 100 points |
B. No decrease | 100 points |
A. Accomplish less | 0 points |
B. No difference | 100 points |
A. No difference | 100 points |
B. No difference | 100 points |
A. No interference | 100 points |
B. No interference | 100 points |
A. No bodily pain | 100 points |
B. Mild bodily pain | 80 points |
A. No interference | 100 points |
B. No interference | 100 points |
A. Full of pep | 100 points |
B. Full of pep | 100 points |
A. A little of the time | 80 point |
B. A little of the time | 80 point |
A. Never felt so down in the dumps that nothing could cheer up | 100 points |
B. Never felt so down in the dumps that nothing could cheer up | 100 points |
A. Most of the time | 80 points |
B. Most of the time | 80 points |
A. Always | 100 points |
B. Always | 100 points |
A. A little of the time | 80 points |
B. No time | 100 points |
A. A little of the time | 80 points |
B. A little of the time | 80 points |
A. Most of the time | 80 points |
B. Most of the time | 80 points |
A. Some of the time | 60 points |
A. Little bit of the time | 80 points |
A. Not interfere | 100 points |
B. Not interfere | 100 points |
A. Definitely true | 0 points |
B. Definitely true | 0 points |
A. Mostly true | 75 points |
B. Mostly true | 75 points |
A. Definitely false | 100 points |
B. Definitely false | 100 points |
A. Mostly true | 75 points |
B. Mostly true | 75 points |