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11 May 2021 : Case report  Indonesia

A Rare Case of Early Transformation of Gestational Trophoblastic Neoplasia Following Molar Pregnancy

Diagnostic / therapeutic accidents, Unusual setting of medical care, Rare disease

Febia Erfiandi1ABCDEFG*, Kemala Isnainiasih Mantilidewi1BCDEF, Yudi Mulyana Hidayat1BCDE, Ali Budi Harsono1CDEFG, Dodi Suardi1BCD, Siti Salima1CDEG, Andi Kurniadi1CDEG, Indah P. Islami1DEF, Hasrayati Agustina2DEF, Birgitta Maria Dewayani2DEF, Aisyah Shofiatun Nisa1E, Huda Toriq1E

DOI: 10.12659/AJCR.930789

Am J Case Rep 2021; 22:e930789

Table 1. Diagnostic features of GTN [6].

Diagnostic featureChoriocarcinomaPSTTETT
AgeReproductive years (average 29 to 31 years)20 to 63 years (average 30 to 32 years)15 to 48 years (average 36 years)
Antecedent pregnancyTerm pregnancy, complete hydatidiform moleTerm pregnancyTerm pregnancy
Interval from index gestationA few months to 14 months (average 2 months after term pregnancy and 13 months after complete mole)2 weeks to 17 years (median 12 to 18 months)1 to 25 years (average 6.2 years)
Clinical presentationVaginal bleeding, persistent GTDMissed abortion, amenorrheaVaginal bleeding
Pretreatment hCG (mIU/mL)>100×10<1×10<3×10
Gross appearanceCircumscribed or invasive hemorrhagic massesExpansive to infiltrative solid massExpansive solid mass
Tumor locationCorpusCorpusCervix, lower uterine segment, corpus
Tumor borderInfiltrativeInfiltrativePushing
Tumor growth patternTrimorphic pattern consisting of all 3 types of trophoblast, extensive hemorrhage and necrosisLarge masses of tumor cells replacing vascular wall. Tumor cells split myometrial smooth muscle fibers at tumor peripherySheets, nests, and cords, geographic necrosis, deposition of hyaline-like material, colonizing mucosal surface epithelium
Tumor cellsVillous intermediate trophoblasts, syncytiotrophoblasts, and cytotrophoblastsImplantation site-type intermediate trophoblastChronic-type intermediate trophoblast
Cytological atypiaMarkedModerate to markedMild to moderate
StromaNo intrinsic tumor stroma or vasculature, Ki-67 labeling index >90%Intimately infiltrates myometrial muscle fibersPresence of nearby decidualized stromal cells
ImmunohistochemistryDiffuse positivity for hCG, hPl, and HSD3B1 in syncytiotrophoblastsDiffuse positivity for hPL and Mel-CAM, scattered multinuclear cells positive for hCG, Ki-67 labeling index 5% to 10%Diffuse positivity for p63, rare individual cells positive for hPL and Mel-CAM, Ki-67 labeling index >10%
ETT – epithelioid trophoblast tumor; GTD – gestational trophoblastic disease; hCG – human chorionic gonadotropin; hPL – human placental lactogen; PSTT – placental site trophoblast tumor.

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American Journal of Case Reports eISSN: 1941-5923
American Journal of Case Reports eISSN: 1941-5923