18 August 2021
: Case report
A 2-Year-Old Boy Who Developed an Aortoesophageal Fistula After Swallowing a Button Battery, Managed Using a Novel Procedure with Vascular Plug Device as a Bridge to Definitive Surgical Repair
Management of emergency care, Rare disease, Educational Purpose (only if useful for a systematic review or synthesis)
Khalid M. Alreheili1BCDEF*, Mansour Almutairi2EF, Ali Alsaadi3EF, Ghousia Ahmed4F, Abdulrahman Alhejili4F, Taha AlKhatrawi5BFDOI: 10.12659/AJCR.931013
Am J Case Rep 2021; 22:e931013
Table 1. Literature review of surviving cases of aortoesophageal fistula (AEF).
Ref. (Year) | Age\Sex | Cause of AEF | Presenting symptoms | Diagnosis | Managements |
McComas BC (1991) []8 | 8m F | Straight pin | Melena, massive GI hemorrhage | During operation | Aorta(A) defect repaired primarily |
Yahagi N (1992) []9 | 9d F | DAA+NGT | Pulsatile hemorrhage from the mouth & nose | During operation | Aorta(A) defect repaired primarily |
Othersen HB (1996) []10 | 2m M | DAA+NGT | Life-threatening upper GI hemorrhage | ||
Othersen HB (1996) []11 | 6w M | DAA+NGT | Hematemesis, melena | During operation | |
Eckehard A (2001) []11 | 7y M | Coin in the stomach.? vascular ring | Hematemesis, mid-epigastric pain | During operation | |
Jirí Snajdauf (2005) []12 | 12.5y F | Esophagitis DUE TO a leaf of house plant Dieffenbachia | Hematemesis, melena | During operation | |
D’Angelisa ARDV (2006) []13 | 4m ? | DAA+NGT | Hypovolemic shock, hematemesis, melena | ||
Burns BJ (2008) []14 | 11y M | Mycotic pseudoaneurysm in undiagnosed coarctation | Vomiting, mild chest & upper abdominal, hypertension, hematemesis | CTA: fail during operation | Diseased segment of aorta was replaced with graft |
Hill SJ (2010) []15 | 9y F | Retained internal bolster from the PEG tube | Chest pain and odynophagia massive hematemesis with cardiovascular collapse | Aortogram confirmed the AEF | Bedside placement of an(A) Occlusion Balloon, covered stent was deployed in A. resection of esophagus with primary anastomosis |
Coates LJ (2011) []16 | 2y M | Unknown cause but patient potentially had an infective cause for the AOF | Hematemesis, melena | During operation | |
Spiers A (2012) []17 | 10m M | Button battery in the distal esophagus | Dyspnea and hematemesis | CT angiography | Aorta(A) defect repaired primarily |
Takazawa S (2013) []18 | 49d F | DAA+NGT | Hypovolemic shock, hematemesis | Endoscopy: esophageal ulcer at the level of the aortic arch during operation | Aorta(A) defect repaired primarily |
Nicholas S (2016) []19 | 6y M | Coin & A right-sided aortic arch | Hematemesis, hemorrhagic shock | Autologous pericardial patch aortoplasty was performed | |
Granata A (2018) []20 | 3y F | 20-mm battery | Hematemesis, hemorrhagic shock | Angiogram show AEF | |
Bartkevics M (2019) []22 | 12m F | 20-mm battery | Hematemesis, melena | CT angiography | Aorta(A) defect repaired primarily |
Sinclair EM (2021) []22 | 6y F | 21-mm battery | Hematemesis | Aortogram confirmed the AEF | Endovascular stent |
Alreheili K (2020) This Report | 2.5y M | 20-mm battery | Hematemesis, melena | CT angiography | Vascular plug device sealing the fistula |
d – days; m – month; y – years; M – Male; F – Female; DAA – double aortic arch; NGT – nasogastric tube; GI – gastrointestinal; SB tube – Sengstaken-Blakemore tube; CTA – computed tomography (CT) angiography. |