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18 August 2021 : Case report  Saudi Arabia

A 2-Year-Old Boy Who Developed an Aortoesophageal Fistula After Swallowing a Button Battery, Managed Using a Novel Procedure with Vascular Plug Device as a Bridge to Definitive Surgical Repair

Management of emergency care, Rare disease, Educational Purpose (only if useful for a systematic review or synthesis)

Khalid M. Alreheili1BCDEF*, Mansour Almutairi2EF, Ali Alsaadi3EF, Ghousia Ahmed4F, Abdulrahman Alhejili4F, Taha AlKhatrawi5BF

DOI: 10.12659/AJCR.931013

Am J Case Rep 2021; 22:e931013

Table 1. Literature review of surviving cases of aortoesophageal fistula (AEF).

Ref. (Year)Age\SexCause of AEFPresenting symptomsDiagnosisManagements
McComas BC (1991) []8 8m FStraight pinMelena, massive GI hemorrhageDuring operationAorta(A) defect repaired primarily
Yahagi N (1992) []9 9d FDAA+NGTPulsatile hemorrhage from the mouth & noseDuring operationAorta(A) defect repaired primarily
Othersen HB (1996) []10 2m MDAA+NGTLife-threatening upper GI hemorrhage
Othersen HB (1996) []11 6w MDAA+NGTHematemesis, melenaDuring operation
Eckehard A (2001) []11 7y MCoin in the stomach.? vascular ringHematemesis, mid-epigastric painDuring operation
Jirí Snajdauf (2005) []12 12.5y FEsophagitis DUE TO a leaf of house plant DieffenbachiaHematemesis, melenaDuring operation
D’Angelisa ARDV (2006) []13 4m ?DAA+NGTHypovolemic shock, hematemesis, melena
Burns BJ (2008) []14 11y MMycotic pseudoaneurysm in undiagnosed coarctationVomiting, mild chest & upper abdominal, hypertension, hematemesisCTA: fail during operationDiseased segment of aorta was replaced with graft
Hill SJ (2010) []15 9y FRetained internal bolster from the PEG tubeChest pain and odynophagia massive hematemesis with cardiovascular collapseAortogram confirmed the AEFBedside placement of an(A) Occlusion Balloon, covered stent was deployed in A. resection of esophagus with primary anastomosis
Coates LJ (2011) []16 2y MUnknown cause but patient potentially had an infective cause for the AOFHematemesis, melenaDuring operation
Spiers A (2012) []17 10m MButton battery in the distal esophagusDyspnea and hematemesisCT angiographyAorta(A) defect repaired primarily
Takazawa S (2013) []18 49d FDAA+NGTHypovolemic shock, hematemesisEndoscopy: esophageal ulcer at the level of the aortic arch during operationAorta(A) defect repaired primarily
Nicholas S (2016) []19 6y MCoin & A right-sided aortic archHematemesis, hemorrhagic shockAutologous pericardial patch aortoplasty was performed
Granata A (2018) []20 3y F20-mm batteryHematemesis, hemorrhagic shockAngiogram show AEF
Bartkevics M (2019) []22 12m F20-mm batteryHematemesis, melenaCT angiographyAorta(A) defect repaired primarily
Sinclair EM (2021) []22 6y F21-mm batteryHematemesisAortogram confirmed the AEFEndovascular stent
Alreheili K (2020) This Report2.5y M20-mm batteryHematemesis, melenaCT angiographyVascular plug device sealing the fistula
d – days; m – month; y – years; M – Male; F – Female; DAA – double aortic arch; NGT – nasogastric tube; GI – gastrointestinal; SB tube – Sengstaken-Blakemore tube; CTA – computed tomography (CT) angiography.

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American Journal of Case Reports eISSN: 1941-5923
American Journal of Case Reports eISSN: 1941-5923