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18 August 2021 : Case report  Saudi Arabia

A 2-Year-Old Boy Who Developed an Aortoesophageal Fistula After Swallowing a Button Battery, Managed Using a Novel Procedure with Vascular Plug Device as a Bridge to Definitive Surgical Repair

Management of emergency care, Rare disease, Educational Purpose (only if useful for a systematic review or synthesis)

Khalid M. Alreheili1BCDEF*, Mansour Almutairi2EF, Ali Alsaadi3EF, Ghousia Ahmed4F, Abdulrahman Alhejili4F, Taha AlKhatrawi5BF

DOI: 10.12659/AJCR.931013

Am J Case Rep 2021; 22:e931013

Table 2. High index of suspicion criteria for diagnosis AEF.

Major criteriaMinor criteriaNegative criteria
A. sentinel bleeding event1 – Child age less than 4 yearsAbsence of portal HTN
B. Massive bright red blood with hypovolemic shock2 – History dysphagia, food refusal, or recurrent food impactionAbsence of known esophageal Varices
3 – Suspicion of FB ingestion
4 – Recurrent ER visit in last 4 weeks.
5 – Known vascular ring
6 – Hx of button battery removal endoscopically or passed spontaneously in last 4 weeks
7 – Prolong NGT tube especially in presence of anatomical abnormalities, eg, vascular ring or repaired TEF
1 – FB in chest or abdominal Radiograph
2 – Stomach massive. distension in radiograph
3 – Rib notching in chest radiograph
4 – Widening of the mediastinum, displacement of the trachea to the right, displacement of a nasogastric tube to the right
5 – Endoscopic finding of active bleeding, ulcer, or any other odd lesion in mid-esophagus
FB – foreign body; ER – Emergency Room. {2 Major+1 minor, Major B+1 minor A or 1 minor B, Major A+2 minor A or 1 minor A and 1 minor B} PLUS {Negative Criteria}.

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American Journal of Case Reports eISSN: 1941-5923
American Journal of Case Reports eISSN: 1941-5923