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26 December 2021 : Case report  Portugal

Parathyroid Carcinoma: A Rare Endocrine Malignancy

Rare disease

Nádia Mourinho Bala1BDEF*, José Maria Aragüés1E, Sílvia Guerra1E, Nuno Cordeiro Raposo1B, Cristina Valadas1E

DOI: 10.12659/AJCR.934221

Am J Case Rep 2021; 22:e934221

Table 1. Demographic, biochemical data, pathological findings, and follow-up in 3 patients with parathyroid carcinoma.

CaseSex, agePreoperative PTH (pg/mL)Preoperative calcemia (mg/dL)Surgical procedurePathological featuresFollow-up
1M, 30139619.0Left inferior PTXAngioinvasiveDisease free (5-year follow-up)
2M, 45310,111.0Right inferior PTX, total thyroidectomyCapsule and adjacent soft tissues invasion, Ki-67 15%Disease free (6-month follow-up)
3M, 38195319.1Left superior PTX, total thyroidectomyCapsule and adjacent soft tissues invasion, Ki-67 30–60%Cutaneous and lung metastasis, 5 and 6 years after surgery, respectively
PTH – parathyroid hormone; PTX – parathyroidectomy; M – male sex.

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American Journal of Case Reports eISSN: 1941-5923
American Journal of Case Reports eISSN: 1941-5923