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17 December 2021 : Case report  Saudi Arabia

Inguinal Endometriosis in a Nulliparous Woman Mimicking an Inguinal Hernia: A Case Report with Literature Review

Challenging differential diagnosis, Rare disease, Clinical situation which can not be reproduced for ethical reasons

Fatima M. AlSinan1BDEF, Abdulelah S. Alsakran2BDEF, Mohammed S. Foula ORCID logo2ADE*, Tahseen M. Al Omoush3D, Hassan Al-Bisher2ACDE

DOI: 10.12659/AJCR.934564

Am J Case Rep 2021; 22:e934564

Table 1. Clinical data of patients with inguinal endometriosis from published literature.

YearNo of reported casesAge/parity/locationPresentationDurationMenstrual/obstetric historySurgical history
12021 Swatesutipun V, et al []24 134 Unknown RightGroin mass with cyclical pain2 yearsRegularNA
22021 Skarpas AS, et al []25 142 Unknown RightGroin mass, cyclical pain3 yearsNANA
32020 Nigam VK, et al []26 140 Multiparous RightPainful groin mass, no cyclical change1 monthNormal, regular cycleCS
42020 Basnayake O, et al []3 127 Unknown RightPainful groin mass, no cyclical change4 monthsDyspareunia, infertilityno
52020 Zihni İ, et al []27 131 Multiparous RightPainful groin mass, no cyclical change1 yearNAC.S
62020 Fujikawa H, et al []4 142 Unknown RightGroin pain1 yearNANA
72019 Thomas JA, et al []28 123 Unknown RightPainful groin mass, no cyclical change1 yearNANA
82019 Fong KN, et al []23 141 Multiparous RightGroin mass, no cyclical change1 monthDyspareunia, infertilityno
92019 Azhar E, et al []29 133 Multiparous RightRLQ pain2 daysEndometriosis infertilityLaparoscopic excision of pelvic endometrioma
102019 Nagama T, et al []30 141 Unknown RightPainful groin mass, no cyclical change10 yearsNARight inguinal hernia repair
112019 Raviraj S, et al []31 130 Unknown RightPainful groin mass, cyclical pain5 monthsInfertilityNA
122019 Arakawa T, et al []18 20Avg. 25–46 Nulliparous 17/20 Multiparous 3/20 Right 13/20 Left 5/20 Bilateral 2/20Groin pain 20/20 Groin mass 14/20 Cyclical variation in symptoms in 16/20NAOvarian endometrioma 11/20 Dysmenorrhea 14/20C.S 1/20 Laparotomy 1/20 Laparoscopy 3/20 No past surgical history 15/20
132018 Wolfhagen, et al []11 928 unknown rightPainful groin mass, no cyclical change1 month- 2 yearsNANA
36 Nulliparous leftPainful groin mass, cyclical painNANA
43 Unknwon RightGroin mass, no cyclical changeNANA
27 Nuliparous RightGroin mass, no cyclical changeNANA
30 Nuliparous RightGroin mass, no cyclical changeNANA
32 Nuliparous LeftPainful groin mass, cyclical painDysmenorrhea, dyspareuniano
29 Multiparous RightPainful groin mass, cyclical painNACS
36 Unknwon RightPainful groin mass, cyclical painNANA
32 Unknwon RightPainful groin mass, cyclical painNANA
142017 Ion D, et al []32 142 Nuliparous RightPainful groin mass, cyclical change in size and pain3 monthsInfertilityNA
152017 Okoshi K, et al []12 144 Multiparous RightPainful groin mass, cyclical painNAEndometriosis, irregual cycleslaproscopic excision of pelvic endometrioma
162016 Kilic mo, et al []33 135 Unknwon RightPainful groin mass, cyclical change in size and pain2 yearsEndometriosislaproscopic excision of pelvic endometrioma
172016 Tsuchie H, et al []34 145 Multiparous RightPainful groin mass, cyclical pain1 yearNANA
182015 Husain F, et al []7 132 Multiparous RightPainful groin mass, cyclical change in size and pain2 yearsNACS
192015 Pandey D, et al []9 139 Multiparous LeftPainful groin mass, cyclical change in size and pain6 monthsNormal, regular cycleCS
202014 Albutt K, et al []5 123 Unknwon LeftPainful groin mass, nausea, fever and chills4 daysNAno
212014 Kim DH, et al []13 140 Nuliparous RightPainful groin mass, cyclical pain2 yearsRegualr, menorrhagiano
222014 Borghans RA, et al []35 128 Unknwon RightPainful groin mass, cyclical change in size and pain1 yearNANA
232013 Al-Ibrahim NT []36 129 Nuliparous RightPainful groin mass, cyclical change in size2 yearsNormal, regular cycleNA
242013 Stojanovic M, et al []6 140 Unknwon RightPainful groin mass, cyclical pain2 yearsNAMyomectomy
252013 Prabhu R, et al []8 149 Multiparous LeftPainful groin mass, cyclical change in size6 monthsNormal, regular cycleCS
262012 Rajendran S, et al []37 136 Unknwon LeftPainful groin mass, cyclical change in size and pain3 yearsHystrectomyHystrectomy
272011 Wong WS, et al []19 148 Multiparous RightPainful groin mass, cyclical pain8 weeksMetomeno-rrhagiaNA
282009 Wang CJ, et al []14 135 Unknwon LeftPainful groin mass, no cyclical changes6 monthsRegular cycle with dysmenorrehaNA
292009 Apostolidis S, et al []38 336 Multiparous RightGroin mass, gradually enlarging1 yearNormal, regular cycleNA
37 Nuliparous RightCyclic groin pain3 yearDysmenorrehaNA
41 Multiparous RightPainful groin mass, no cyclical changes4 monthsEndometriosisBilateral oopherectomy for endometriosis
302008 Kaushik R, et al []39 137 Multiparous RightPainful groin mass, cyclical pain5 yearsNACS, excision of a similar mass without pathology
312007 Mashfiqul MA, et al []21 137 Unknwon RightPainful groin mass, no cyclical changes2 monthsNANA
322007 Hagiwara Y, et al []10 128 unknwon rightPainful groin mass, cyclical change in size and pain7 monthsEndometriosis, dysmenorrheaLaprosocpic left ovarian cystectomy, adhesiolysfor endometriosis
332007 Ducarme G, et al []22 128 Multiparous rightGroin mass, cyclical change in size and pain6 monthsNormal, regular cycleCS+hernia repair
342006 Ku J, et al []40 146 Multiparous rightGroin and RLQ pain2 daysNormal, regular cycleNA
352005 Licheri S, et al []16 129 Nuliparous rightPainful groin mass, cyclical change in size and pain1 yearEndometriosis, dysmenorreha on hormonal therapyNA
362005 Kapan M, et al []41 339 unknwon rightPainful groin mass, cyclical change in size5 yearsNANA
42 unknwon rightGroin mass, gradually enlarging4 yearsNANA
51 unknwon leftGroin mass, no cyclical changes7 yearsNANA
372002 Hagiwara Y, et al []17 140 Multiparous rightPainful groin mass, no cyclical changes2 yearsEndometriosisLaproscopy
382001 Boggi U, et al []42 235 Multiparous rightpainful mass in labium, cyclical painmonthsNACS
30 unknwon rightPainful groin mass, cyclical pain4 monthsNANA
392000 Ling CM, et al []43 146 Multiparous rightPainful RLQ mass, cyclical change in size and pain4 monthsRegular, dysmenorrheano
401996 Freed KS, et al []20 145 Multiparous rightGroin mass, no cyclical changesseveral yearsNormal, regular cycleNA
411994 Goh JT, et al []44 122 Unknwon RightPainful groin mass, cyclical change in size and pain2 yearsNormal, regular cycleNA
421994 Imai A, et al []45 139 Unknwon RightPainful groin mass, cyclical change in size and pain1 yearNANA
431991 Mitchell AO, et al []46 124 Unknwon RightPainful groin mass, no cyclical changes4 monthsNANA
441985 Quagliarello J, et al []47 124 Multiparous RightPainful groin mass, no cyclical changes3 weeksNormal, regular cycleNA
451983 Brzezinski A, et al. []48 141 Nuliparous RightPainful groin mass, gradually enlarging1 yearNormal, regular cycleNA
461978 Clausen I, et al []49 129 Unknwon RightPainful groin mass, cyclical pain4.5 yearsNormal, regular cycleNA
471956 Dormandy TL, et al []15 338 Multiparous RightPainful groin mass, cyclical change in size and pain15 yearsNormal, regular cycleRight tubal pregnancy
49 Nulliparous RightPainful groin mass, cyclical change in size and pain3 monthsNormal, regular cycleno
40 Nulliparous RightPainful groin mass, cyclical pain3–4 yearsNANA
FNAC – fine-needle aspiration cytology; NA – not available; US – ultrasonography;MRI – magnetic resonant imaging; CT – computed tomography; CS – cesarean section; OCP – oral contraceptive pills; RLQ – right lower quadrant of the abdomen; TAH BSO – total abdominal hysterectomy with bilateral salpingo-oophrectomy; PO – postoperative; LN – lymph node
Pre-operative diagnosisImaging modalities/findings/further accuracyPre-operative FNACOperationHernia presence and repairFollow up/management
1Nuck’s canal cystUS, MRIGroin cystic swellingInconclusiveNAExcision of massNoNA
2Inguinal herniaNANAExcision of massNoNA
3Incarcerated right inguinal hernia fUS, CTIncarcerated inguinal herniaInconclusiveNAExcision of massYesNA
4Hydrocele of canal of nuckUSGroin cystic swellingInconclusiveNAExcision of massNaAsymptomatic OCP
5Inguinal hernia with cystic lesionUSInguinal hernia, Groin cystic swellingInconclusiveNAExcision of massYesAsymptomatic
6Inguinal hernia versus lymphadenopathyUS, MRIGroin massInconclusiveNAExcision of mass with wide surgical marginYesAsymptomatic
7Inguinal endometriosisMRIInguinal endometriosisDiagnosticNAExcision of massNoNA
8Inguinal hernia and abscessNANAIncision of drainage of the mass with excision of the fibrous wall of the massNoAsymptomatic
9Ovarian torsion, incarcerated inguinal hernia, endometriomaCT, MRISuspected femoral herniaInconclusiveNAExcision of mass and round ligamentYesAsymptomatic
10NAMRIInconclusiveNAexcision of massNoAsymptomatic
11Inguinal herniaUSGroin cystic swelling, chocolate cystNot conclusiveNAexcision of massNoNA
12NA18/20: US, Inconclusive13/20: CT, inguinal mass18/20: MRINA6/20 excision of mass and round ligament 3/20 TAH BSO and excision of massNo3/20 OCP 1/20 recurrence after 8 m
13NAUS, MRIInconclusiveNAExcision of massYesCyclical pain around scar
Inguinal hernia or endometriosisUSInguinal hernia versus endometriosisInconclusiveNAExcision of massYesNA
LeiomyomaUS, MRILeiomyomaInconclusiveNAExcision of massNoIrregular menstrual cycle
Inguinal LN or sabecious cystUSInguinal LNInconclusiveEndometriosisExcision of massNoAsymptomatic
NANANAExcision of massNoNA
Cyst of nuck or lymph nodeUS, MRIInguinal LN versus groin cystic swellingInconclusiveNAExcision of massYesEndometriosis, infertility
Inguinal herniaUSInguinal herniaInconclusiveNAExcision of massYesNA
Cyst of nuckUSGroin cystic swellingInconclusiveNAExcision of massNoNA
Incarcerated inguinal herniaUS, MRIIncarcerated inguinal herniaInconclusiveInconclusiveExcision of massNoIrregular menstrual cycle
14Inguinal or femoral herniaNANAExcision of mass and round ligamentyesAsymptomatic
15Hydrocyele, endomstriosis, incarcinated herniaCTGroin cystic swellingInconclusiveNAExcision of mass and round ligamentnoAsymptomatic
16Incarcerated Inguinal HerniaUS, MRIGroin cystic swellingInconclusiveNAExcision of mass with wide marginnoAsymptomatic
17Desmoid TumorMRIDesmoid tumorInconclusiveNAExcision of massnoCyclic pain
18Incarcerated Incisional Hernia And EndometriomaMRIGroin massInconclusiveNAExcision of massnoAsymptomatic
19Inguinal EndometriosisUS, MRIGroin massInconclusiveEndometriosisExcision of mass and round ligamentnoAsymptomatic
20Inguinal HerniaUS, CTGroin cystic swellingInconclusiveNAExcision of massyesOCP
21Hemangioma, AV malformationUSGroin cystic swellingInconclusiveNAExcision of mass and round ligamentnoAsymptomatic OCP
22Inguinal hernia, endometriosisMRIInguinal hernia versus inguinal endometriosisInconclusiveNAExcision of massNAAsymptomatic
23NAUSUnremarkableInconclusiveInconclusiveExcision of massNACyclic pain
24NANANAExcision of massNAAsymptomatic
25Inguinal hernia, lipoma, neurofibroma, desmoid tumor, primary lymphomaUSGroin cystic swellingInconclusiveNAExcision of massnoAsymptomatic
26EndometriosisUSGroin massInconclusiveEndometriosisPatient refused surgical managementNAAsymptomatic
27EndometriosisUSunremarkableInconclusiveEndometriosisExcision of massnoAsymptomatic
28Inguinal endometrsiosisUS, CTGroin cystic swellingInconclusiveEndometriosisExcision of massNALaparoscopy OCP
29Inguinal herniaNANAExcision of massNoNA
Inguinal herniaNANAExcision of massYesNA
Inguinal herniaNANAExcision of massNoNA
30Desmoid tumerUSGroin cystic swellingInconclusiveinconclusiveExcision of massnoLaparoscopy
31Inguinal herniaUSSpigelian herniaInconclusiveNAExcision of mass and round ligamentNoLaparoscopy asymptomatic
32Inguinal hernia, desmoid tumor, hemangioma, endometriosisCT, MRIGroin massInconclusiveNAExcision of mass and round ligamentNoAsymptomatic
33NAUS, MRIGroin massInconclusiveNAExcision of massYesAsymptomatic
34Irreducible direct inguinal herniaUS, CTStrangulated direct inguinal herniaInconclusiveNAExcision of massNoAsymptomatic
35Endometriosis of the round ligamentUS, MRIEndometriosis of round ligamentDiagnosticNAExcision of mass and round ligamentNoAsymptomatic
36Inguinal herniaUSInguinal herniaInconclusiveNAExcision of mass and round ligamentNAAsymptomatic
Inguinal herniaNANAExcision of mass and round ligamentYesNA
Inguinal herniaNANAExcision of mass and round ligamentNANA
37Inguinal hernia, dermoid tumor, hemangiomaCT, MRIGroin massInconclusiveNAExcision of mass and round ligamentNoAsymptomatic
38Extrapelvic endomestrosisUSGroin cystic swellingInconclusiveNAExicison of lump and heria sac excisionYesAsymptomatic
NANANAExcision of massYesAsymptomatic
39NAUSGroin cystic swellingInconclusiveNAExcision of massYesAsymptomatic
40EndometriosisUS, CTGroin cystic swellingInconclusiveEndometriosisExcision of massNoLaparoscopy
41EndometriosisNANAExcision of massNoAsymptomatic
42EndometriosisUS, MRIEndometriosisDiagnosticNAExcision of mass and round ligamentNoLaparoscopy
43AbscessNANAExcision of massNoNA
44Right inguinal LNUSGroin cystic swellingInconclusiveNAExcision of massYesLaparoscopy
45NANANAExcision of massYesNA
46NANANAExcision of mass and round ligamentNoAsymptomatic
47Endomestriosis of the canal of nuckNANAExcision of mass and round ligamentYesAsymptomatic
Endomestriosis of the canal of nuckNANAExcision of massYesAsymptomatic
NANANAExcision of mass and round ligamentYesAsymptomatic
FNAC – fine-needle aspiration cytology; NA – not available; US – ultrasonography;MRI – magnetic resonant imaging; CT – computed tomography; CS – cesarean section; OCP – oral contraceptive pills; RLQ – right lower quadrant of the abdomen; TAH BSO – total abdominal hysterectomy with bilateral salpingo-oophrectomy; PO – postoperative; LN – lymph node

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American Journal of Case Reports eISSN: 1941-5923