19 October 2022
: Case report
Chiropractic Management of Neck Pain Complicated by Symptomatic Vertebral Artery Stenosis and Dizziness
Unusual or unexpected effect of treatment, Rare disease
Eric Chun-Pu Chu

DOI: 10.12659/AJCR.937991
Am J Case Rep 2022; 23:e937991
Table 1. Patients with vertebrobasilar insufficiency treated by a chiropractor.
Author | Year | Patient age | Sex | Symptoms | VBI diagnosis and testing | Treatment |
Current case | 2022 | 62 | M | Neck pain, headaches, dizziness | Calcified plaques in VA, MRA, CTA | Thoracic SMT, no cervical rotation, IASTM |
Jensen []54 | 2003 | 40 | F | Neck and interscapular pain, lightheadedness, tremor | Decreased VA blood flow via Doppler | Cervical SMT with <45° rotation |
Jensen []54 | 2003 | 42 | M | Neck pain, tremor, left hand numbness | Decreased VA flow via Doppler | Cervical SMT with <45° rotation |
Rectenwald []53 | 2018 | 39 | F | Neck pain, upper extremity numbness | Bow hunter’s syndrome, C1-2 stenosis via dynamic angiography | Instrument-assisted cervical SMT (cervical spine in neutral position) |
Terenzi []41 | 2002 | 28 | F | Neck and arm pain, headaches, dizziness | Perfusion deficit on transcranial Doppler, VA compression and anomaly | Cervical SMT with flexion and no rotation |
CTA – computed tomography angiography; F – female; IASTM – instrument assisted soft tissue manipulation; MRA – magnetic resonance angiography; M – male; NR – not reported; SMT – spinal manipulative therapy; VA – vertebral artery; VBI – vertebrobasilar insufficiency. |