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27 May 2023 : Case report  Switzerland

Vulvar Leiomyosarcomas: A Case Series with Clinical Comparison to Uterine Leiomyosarcomas and Review of the Literature

Mistake in diagnosis, Rare disease

Stephanie Verta ORCID logo1ACDEF*, Zaher Alwafai ORCID logo2BE, Nika Schleede2BE, Christine E. Brambs ORCID logo1ACDE, Corina Christmann ORCID logo1DE, Verena Reichert2B, Marek Zygmunt2ACDE, Birgit Plattner3BC, Günter Köhler2ABCDEF

DOI: 10.12659/AJCR.939402

Am J Case Rep 2023; 24:e939402

Table 3. Summary of the published cases of leiomyosarcoma of the vulva and their characteristics over the past 20 years [32–51].

Author, yrNo of PtsAge(yrs)LocalizationSymptomsInitial diagnosisDiagnosisTumor sizeStaging
Yordanov et al, 2020 173SymphysisPain syndrome, present for years, rapid growth in the last 3 monthsn.s.Leiomyosarcoma70 mm, satellite nodulescM0
Saquib et al, 2020 163Bartholin‘s gland, leftPainless swelling, >1yChronic Bartholin‘s gland cystLeiomyosarcoma28 mmcM0, cN0
Aljehani et al, 2021 138, pregnantBartholin‘s gland, leftSmall vulvar mass since 1y, rapid growth in pregnancy, painlessBenign, Bartholin‘s cystLeiomyosarcoma100 mmcM0
Korkmaz et al, 2016 165Bartholin‘s gland, leftVulvar lump with progressive enlargement over 6 monthsAngiofibroma (after biopsy)Leiomyosarcoma60 mmcM0
Alnafisah et al, 2016 137Vulva, leftVulvar lump with progressive enlargementn.s.Leiomyosarcoma50 mmInitially cM0 cN+
Akrivi et al, 2021 142Area of the left Bartholin‘s gland6 months, progressive swellingChronic Bartholin‘s gland abscessLeiomyosarcoma65 mmcM0
Mowers et al, 2014 148Bartholin‘s gland, leftInduration for 5 years, sudden rapid growth, pain, difficulty urinatingBartholin‘s Gland cystMyxoid leiomyosarcoma46 mmcM0
Sameeta et al, 2019 163Right posterior fourchette6 months, slow growingn.s.Leiomyosarcoma21 mmcM0
Sayeed et al, 2017372n.s.vulvar massn.s.Leiomyosarcoma110 mmn.s.
56n.s.vulvar massn.s.Leiomyosarcoma135 mmn.s.
68n.s.vulvar massn.s.Leiomyosarcoma55 mmn.s.
Swanson et al, 2020 380n.s.n.s.n.s.Leiomyosarcoma97 mmn.s.
31n.s.n.s.n.s.Leiomyosarcoma25 mmn.s.
80n.s.n.s.n.s.Leiomyosarcoma52 mmcM1 (liver)
Nath et al, 2019 138Right upper vulvaPain, ulceration, gradually growing mass over 8 monthsn.s.Leiomyosarcoma80 mmcM0
Smith et al, 2020 146Left labia majoraPainless massn.s.Leiomyosarcoma30 mmcM0
Shankar, 2006 158Bartholin‘s gland, right4-months history, enlarging lump, painlessNot typical features for Bartholin‘s cystLeiomyosarcoman.s.n.s.
González-Bugatto et al, 2009 152Bartholin‘s gland, left1–2 cm nodule for 4 years, rapid growth over past 6 monthsLeft Bartholin‘s gland cystLeiomyosarcoma60 mmcM0
Levy et al, 2014 157Perineal region of left labiaTender and uncomfortable mass, increasing in size over past 4–6 weeksLeft Bartholin‘s gland cystLeiomyosarcoma25 mmn.s.
Teramae et al, 2014 151Right side of vulvaPalpable mass for 20 years, rapid growth over 1 yearAggressive angiomyxoma of the vulvaLeiomyosarcoma135 mmcM0
Tjalma et al, 2005 185Right side of vulvaVulvar discomfortSoft tissue tumorMyxoid leiomyosarcoma60 mmn.s.
Di Gilio el al, 2004 136, pregnantLeft labia majoraPalpable mass, rapid growthLeft Bartholin‘s gland cystMyxoid leiomyosarcoma60 mmcM0
Rawal et al, 2005 181Right side of vulvaExophytic lesionn.s.Leiomyosarcoma50 mmcM0
Ulutin et al, 2003 339Labia majoran.s.n.s.Leiomyosarcoma70 mmn.s.
37Labia majoran.s.n.s.Leiomyosarcoma35 mmn.s.
18Labia majoran.s.n.s.Leiomyosarcoma30 mmn.s.
n.s. – not specified; cM0 – clinically no distant metastasis; cM1 – clinically distant metastasis; cN0 – clinically no lymph node metastasis; pN0 – pathologically no lymph node metastasis; LNE – lymphadenectomy; MF – mitotic figure; HPF – high-power field; G1/G2/G3 – low/intermediate/high-grade; SMA – smooth muscle actin; ER – estrogen receptor; PR – progesterone receptor; S-100 – “soluble”-100; Myo-D1 – myoblast determination protein 1; Ki-67 – (Kiel)-67 proliferation marker; “+” – positive; “–“ – negative; Gy – Gray; RT – radiation therapy; CHT – chemotherapy.
Author, yrSurgical therapyMarginsMicroscopyGradingImmunohistochemistryAdjuvant therapyFollow-upRef. No.
Yordanov et al, 2020Wide local excisionn.s.n.s.n.s.SMA +, S-100 –, MyoD –RT3 months, recurrence-free[]32
Saquib et al, 2020Excision, 2° left hemi-vulvectomy and left inguinal LNENegative margins, pN0 (0/8)22 MF/ 10 HPFG2SMA +, Caldesmon +, Desmin +, Ki-67 30%, Vimentin –, S-100 –Nonen.s.[]33
Aljehani et al, 2021Tumor resectionn.s.9 MF/ 10 HPFn.s.SMA +, Caldesmon +, Desmin +None12 months, recurrence-free[]34
Korkmaz et al, 2016Local excisionn.s.20 MF/ 10 HPFn.s.Calponin +, S-100 –, Ki-67 5%None6 months, recurrence-free[]35
Alnafisah et al, 2016Wide local excision; 2° left radical vulvectomy plus left inguinal LNE (2° operation after chemotherapy)Negative margins at wide excision, 2° negative margins but 3.5 mm tumor rest, pN0 (0/3)n.s.G3SMA +, ER/PR +CHT, 3 cycles gemcitabine/ docetaxel; again, CHT after 2° operation, 3 cycles gemcitabine/ docetaxel15 months: local recurrence, resection and RT; 18 months: lung metastasis, resection[]36
Akrivi et al, 2021Wide local excisionPositive margins8 MF/ 10 HPFn.s.SMA +, Desmin +, Caldesmon +, Vimentin +, ER/ PR +, S-100 –, Myoglobulin –None53 months, recurrence-free[]37
Mowers et al, 2014Left radical hemi-vulvectomy; 2° re-excisionPositive margins; negative margins after re-excisionn.s.G3SMA +, Desmin +, ER/PR +CHT, 6 cycles doxorubicin/ ifosfamide18 months, recurrence-free[]38
Sameeta et al, 2019Wide local excisionPositive margins25 MF/ 10 HPFG3SMA +, Desmin +, ER +, S-100 –RTn.s.[]39
Sayeed et al, 2017Wide local excisionPositive margins8 MF/ 10 HPFn.s.n.s.n.s.Died of disease[]40
Wide local excisionPositive margins34 MF/ 10 HPFn.s.n.s.n.s.Died of disease[]40
Wide local excisionNegative margins23 MF/ 10 HPFn.s.n.s.n.s.Died of disease[]40
Swanson et al, 2020Tumor resectionPositive margins36 MF/10 HPFn.s.SMA +, Caldesmon +, Desmin –n.s.1 month[]41
Tumor resectionPositive margins12 MF/ 10 HPFn.s.SMA +, Caldesmon +, Desmin +, S-100 –n.s.1 month[]41
Tumor resectionNegative margins12 MF/ 10 HPFn.s.n.s.CHT4 months[]41
Nath et al, 2019Wide local excisionn.s.n.s.n.s.SMA +, Vimentin +, Desmin –, S-100 –, ER/PR –Chemoradiation21 months, recurrence-free[]42
Smith et al, 2020Tumor resection, 2° left partial radical vulvectomy, 3° posterior radical vulvectomy plus bilateral inguino-femoral LNEPositive margins, 2° positive margins, 3° negative margins, pN0n.s.n.s.SMA +, Desmin +, S-100 –, Caldesmon –, MyoD1 –n.s.n.s.[]43
Shankar, 2006Wide local excisionn.s.n.s.n.s.SMA +, Desmin +RT intended but not carried out42 months, recurrence-free[]44
González- Bugatto et al, 2009Tumor resection, 2° hemi-vulvectomy with ipsilateral inguinal LNEPositive margins, 2° negative margins, pN021 MF/ 10 HPFG3SMA +, Vimentin +, Desmin +, ER/PR +, S-100 –RT, 66.6 Gy; CHT with mesna, epirubicin, ifosfamide and cisplatin12 months: local recurrence, wide excision, negative margins; 48 months: disease free[]45
Levy et al, 2014Tumor resection, 2° radical excisionPositive margins, 2° negative margins16 MF/ 10 HPFn.s.SMA +, Desmin +n.s.n.s.[]46
Teramae et al, 2014Tumor resectionNegative margins7 MF/ 10 HPFn.s.Desmin +Adjuvant treatment (CHT or RT) was recommended but not wanted32 months, recurrence-free[]47
Tjalma et al, 2005Wide local excisionNegative margins34 MF/ 10 HPFn.s.SMA +, Desmin +, ER/PR partially +, S-100 –, Ki-67 20%None25 months, recurrence-free[]48
Di Gilio el al, 2004Tumor resection, 2° wide local excision with ipsilateral superficial inguinal node samplingPositive margins, 2° negative margins, pN02 MF/ 10 HPFn.s.SMA +, Vimentin +, S-100 –n.s.30 months, recurrence-free[]49
Rawal et al, 2005Wide local excisionn.s.35–40 MF/10 HPFn.s.SMA +none9 months: suspicion of local recurrence, died of unrelated cause[]50
Ulutin et al, 2003Radical vulvectomy with groin LNEClose surgical marginn.s.G2n.s.RT, 52.2 Gy73 months, recurrence-free[]51
Simple vulvectomyn.s.n.s.G2n.s.None150 months, recurrence-free[]51
Radical vulvectomyn.s.n.s.G1n.s.None172 months, recurrence-free[]51
n.s. – not specified; cM0 – clinically no distant metastasis; cM1 – clinically distant metastasis; cN0 – clinically no lymph node metastasis; pN0 – pathologically no lymph node metastasis; LNE – lymphadenectomy; MF – mitotic figure; HPF – high-power field; G1/G2/G3 – low/intermediate/high-grade; SMA – smooth muscle actin; ER – estrogen receptor; PR – progesterone receptor; S-100 – “soluble”-100; Myo-D1 – myoblast determination protein 1; Ki-67 – (Kiel)-67 proliferation marker; “+” – positive; “–“ – negative; Gy – Gray; RT – radiation therapy; CHT – chemotherapy.

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American Journal of Case Reports eISSN: 1941-5923
American Journal of Case Reports eISSN: 1941-5923