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29 July 2023 : Case report  USA

Botulinum Toxin as an Adjunctive Therapy for Immobilization of a Distal Humerus Fracture in Parkinson’s Disease-Associated Psychosis: A Case Report

Unusual clinical course, Unusual or unexpected effect of treatment

Justin Lapow1EF*, Jacob Hirth1EF, Avinesh Agarwalla2AEF, David S. Wellman ORCID logo2ABDE

DOI: 10.12659/AJCR.939680

Am J Case Rep 2023; 24:e939680

Table 1. Previous literature on botulinum toxin injections as an adjunct for fracture treatment.

AuthorStudy typeSubject(s)Age(s)FractureInternal Fixation (Y/N)Botulinum toxin injection site(s)Outcomes
Tukel et al, 2020 []14 Animal study48 male rabbitsN/AUnilateral mandibleYMasseter musclesImproved fracture healing after 21 days compared to saline-injected controls
Chen and Thalayasingam, 2010 []15 Case reportOne male with motor tic disorder11 yearsLeft clavicleYPectoralis major, anterior deltoid, trapezius, and levator scapulae musclesCessation of motor tics for 3–4 months with successful healing of the fracture during that time
Aydin et al, 2012 []16 Animal study18 ratsN/ABilateral femur fracturesYUnilateral right femoral regionIncreased biomechanical and histologic healing with decreased callous diameter was found on the injected side 28 days after administration
Canter et al, 2007 []17 Case seriesSix male and four females3–51 years (mean 29.4 years)Unilateral subcondylar mandible or condylar neckNMasseter, anterior fibers of the temporalis, medial and lateral pterygoid musclesSuccessful healing, with no loss of reduction. Return of muscular contractions after 3–4 months
Akbay et al, 2014 []18 Case reportOne maleThree yearsCondylar neck of the left mandibleNMasseter, temporalis, and pterygoideus medialis musclesFusion of mandibular condyle was achieved after one month
Shin et al, 2018 []19 Retrospective cohortEight patients (six males and two females) received botulinum toxin and eight patients (four males and four females) received no injections18–34 years (mean 22.25 years)bilateral sagittal split ramus osteotomyYBilateral masseter musclesBotulinum toxin injections resulted in a lower rate of mandibular plate fracture than those who received no injections
Shilt et al, 2021 []20 Retrospective case seriesFive male patientsAges 12–17 years (mean 14)Proximal hamstring avulsion of the ischiumY (all except one patient)Hamstring musclesRadiograph confirmed healing of avulsion fractures in all patients with a return to previous activity at a mean of 32 weeks
White et al, 2022 []21 Case reportOne woman73 years oldPeriprosthetic scapular spine fracture six months reverse shoulder arthroplastyYDeltoid muscleFracture union attained at three months with excellent return to function at one year
Hao et al, 2012 []28 Animal study44 ratsN/AOsteotomy of bilateral femursYUnilateral quadricepsNo mature osseous callouses or woven bone on the botulinum toxin treated side after eight weeks

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American Journal of Case Reports eISSN: 1941-5923
American Journal of Case Reports eISSN: 1941-5923