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02 September 2023 : Case report  Qatar

A 65-Year-Old Man with Bilateral Adrenal Hemorrhage Following Prophylaxis for Postoperative Deep Vein Thrombosis with Rivaroxaban

Unusual clinical course, Challenging differential diagnosis

Safa Al-Rawi ORCID logo1EF*, Mustafa Seidahmed2AEF, Saeed Saleh Emam3D, Eman S. Othman4DF

DOI: 10.12659/AJCR.939816

Am J Case Rep 2023; 24:e939816

Table 3. Literature review of adrenal hemorrhage due to DOACs usage.

Author (yr) [reference]Age/SexPresentationDOAC durationDOAC agentDOAC dosageReason to get VTE prophylaxisLaterality of AHAI secondary to the AH
Comuth (2017) []13 63/FemaleAbdominal pain5 monthsRivaroxaban20 mg dailyAPLSBilateral+
Sanford (2019) []27 42/MaleAcute onset severe right flank pain4 weeksApixabanNot reportedAPLSUnilateral
Ly (2019) []22 61/MaleNausea and vomiting14 daysRivaroxaban10 mg dailyKnee surgeryUnilateral
Alidoost (2019) []8 68/FemaleSevere acute onset abdominal pain14 daysRivaroxaban10 mg dailyKnee surgeryBilateral+
Arosemena (2020) []26 46/MaleSyncopal episodeFew monthsRivaroxabanNot reportedAPLSBilateral+
Sheklabadi (2022) []14 35/FemaleNausea and vomiting and buccal hyperpigmentation1 yearApixaban2.5 mg twice a dayIJVTUnilateral+
Sheklabadi (2022) []14 89/FemaleFatigue and loss of appetite10 daysRivaroxaban10 mg dailyFemur surgeryBilateral+
Best (2013) []24 75/FemaleShortness of breath and fever9 daysDabigatran150 mg dailyHip surgeryBilateral+
Elhassan (2022) []28 44/FemaleAsymptomaticFew daysRivaroxabanNot reportedAPLSBilateral+
Current case (2022)65/MaleNausea and severe acute onset abdominal pain10 daysRivaroxaban10 mg dailyKnee surgeryBilateral+
APLS – antiphospholipid syndrome; IJVT – internal jugular vein thrombosis; AH – adrenal hemorrhage; AI – adrenal insufficiency; DOAC – direct oral anticoagulant; VTE – venous thromboembolism.

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American Journal of Case Reports eISSN: 1941-5923
American Journal of Case Reports eISSN: 1941-5923