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08 December 2023 : Case report  Germany

Unusual Case of Splenic Metastasis in Adenosquamous Carcinoma of the Cervix Uteri: Diagnosis and Treatment Considerations

Unusual clinical course

Gilbert Georg Klamminger12ABCDEF*, Caroline Burgard3BCD, Florian Rosar ORCID logo3BCD, Katrin Altmeyer ORCID logo4BCD, Maciej Malinowski5BCD, Meletios P. Nigdelis ORCID logo1AEF, Phillip Rolf Stahl2CD, Erich Franz Solomayer1ABCD, Bashar Haj Hamoud6ABCD

DOI: 10.12659/AJCR.941600

Am J Case Rep 2023; 24:e941600

Table 1. Synopsis of published clinical cases of solitary splenic metastasis in patients with diagnosed primary carcinoma of the cervix uteri.

Author/Year of publication [ref]Primary tumor entity/FIGOPatient ageMetastatic symptomsDiagnosticsPrimary treatmentSecondary treatment of metastasis
Kumar et al [] (2022)12 SCC/ns46nsPET scan, CT scanSurgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapySurgery (splenectomy), adj. chemotherapy
AlQattan et al [] (2021)7 Adenocarcinoma/IIIB54nsMRIRadiotherapy, chemotherapySurgery (splenectomy), adj. chemotherapy
Liu et al [] (2021)13 SCC/IIB49Anorexia, abdominal distensionCT scan; carcinoembryonic antigen, CA125, CA199 antigen levelsRadiotherapy, chemotherapySurgery (splenectomy), adj. chemotherapy
Shankar et al [] (2020)14 SCC/IVA55nsPET scan, CT-guided biopsyRadiotherapy, chemotherapySurgery (splenectomy)
Filipescu et al [] (2018)15 SCC/ns30nsnsNeoadjuvant radiochemotherapy, surgerySurgery (splenectomy)
Bacalbasa et al [] (2017)16 SCC/IIB31nsDiagnostic surgeryNeoadjuvant chemotherapy & radiotherapy, surgerySurgery (splenectomy), adj. chemotherapy
Applebaum et al [] (2017)17 SCC/ns46nsPET scan, CT scanSurgery, radiotherapy,Surgery (splenectomy)
Dixit et al [] (2016)5 SCC/IIA46Fever and anorexiaPET scan, CT scanSurgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapySurgery (splenectomy, segmental resection of ileum, omentectomy and partial peritonectomy), adj. chemotherapy
Villalón-López et al [] (2014)8 Adenocarcinoma/IB76Abdominal painCT scan, CA-125 antigen levelsSurgery, radiotherapySurgery (splenectomy), adj. chemotherapy
Taga et al [] (2014)4 Undifferentiated carcinoma/IIB49nsCT scan, explorative laparotomyRadiotherapy, chemotherapySurgery (splenectomy), adj. chemotherapy
Zamurovic et al [] (2011)18 Planocellular carcinoma/IB40Abdominal pain, rice water stoolsUltrasonography, CT scanSurgery, radiotherapySurgery (splenectomy)
Di Donato et al [] (2010)19 SCC/IVA30Abdominal painCT scan, PET scan, SCC antigen levelsNeoadjuvant chemotherapy, surgerySurgery (splenectomy, distal pancreatectomy, and partial gastric resection), adj. chemotherapy
Kim et al [] (2008)9 SCC/IIB54No abdominal discomfort/massSCC antigen levels, CT scan, PET scanRadiotherapy, chemotherapySurgery (splenectomy), adj. chemotherapy
Kim et al [] (2008)9 Adenocarcinoma/IIB46No abdominal discomfort/massMRIRadiotherapy, chemotherapySurgery (splenectomy), adj. chemotherapy
Bhardwaj et al [] (2008)20 SCC/IIB50Painful abdominal mass, intermittent feverUltrasonography, explorative laparotomyRadiotherapySurgery (splenectomy)
Komatsu et al [] (2004)21 SCC/ns52nsCT scanSurgerySurgery (splenectomy)
Goktolga et al [] (2004)22 SCC/IIA45Abdominal fullness and painCT scan and fine needle aspirationSurgery and adjuvant radiotherapyExplorative laparotomy; chemotherapy due to multifocal tumor invasion
Pang LC [] (2004)23 SCC/IIA50nsSCC antigen levels, CT scan, MRI, PET scanSurgery and adjuvant radiotherapySurgery (splenectomy), adj. chemotherapy
Carvalho et al [] (1997)24 SCC/IIB47Pain of regio hypochondriaca; weight lossExplorative laparotomyRadiotherapyChemotherapy
Valls et al [,] (1992)7 Adenocarcinoma/ns55Abdominal painCT scanSurgery, radiotherapySurgery (splenectomy)
Campagnutta et al [] (1992)11 Adenocarcinoma/ns47Abdominal painCT scan, scintigraphySurgery, radiotherapySurgery (splenectomy, adj. chemotherapy
Klein et al [,] (1987)3 SCC/IIB28Abdominal painCT scanRadiotherapySurgery, chemotherapy
Brufman et al [,] (1977) 3 SCC/IB43nsnsSurgeryChemotherapy
CT – computerized tomography; MRI – magnetic resonance imaging; ns – not specified; PET – positron emission tomography; SCC – squamous cell carcinoma. Additive splenic metastases as part of a disseminated disease were not considered. For an in-depth analysis of splenic metastasis in case if squamous cell carcinoma of the cervix uteri, see also the comprehensive overview of Marcu et al []
* Spanish article with English abstract available.
** Japanese article with English abstract available.
*** Italian article with English abstract available.
# Article in Hebrew.

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American Journal of Case Reports eISSN: 1941-5923