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19 February 2024 : Case report  Greece

A 56-Year-Old Woman Presenting 19 Years After Pubic Bone Fracture with a Surgical Screw Foreign Body in the Bladder

Challenging differential diagnosis, Unusual or unexpected effect of treatment, Rare disease, Educational Purpose (only if useful for a systematic review or synthesis)

Michael N. Chrysikos ORCID logo1AEF*, Sergios Konstantinidis1AE, Anastasios Katsourakis1ADE, Parthena Samara1AE, Alexandros Sarakatsanos1AE, Nikolaos Karakasis2AE, Konstantinos Fotiadis2AE, Iosif Chatzis1AE, Dimitra Vrampa3E, Apostolos Papalakis1AF

DOI: 10.12659/AJCR.942059

Am J Case Rep 2024; 25:e942059

Table 1. Review of the literature of migrating surgical screw from the pubic bone to the urinary tract.

Hosseini (2017) [9]Fridman (2003) [10]Peled (2015) [11]Martinez (2013)# [12]Onur (2010)# [13]Murugan (2016) [14]Heetveld (2003) [15]Yadav (2013) [16]
Previous surgeryORIF of the pubic rami and right acetabulumORIFORIF and Bladder repair ORIFORIF bilateral and bladder repair ORIF and bladder repair External fixation – ORIF and vaginal repair ORIF and bladder repair
Intermediate time 2 months7 years7 years3 months6 months15 years9 years2 years
Pubic symphysis diastasisYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYes
FistulaYes NoNot examinedNoNoNoYesNot examined
* Bladder or vaginal repair due to perforation during the pelvic ring injury;
** Time between the initial pelvic ring injury and the complication;
*** Cutaneous bladder fistula with surgical scar in the right hip;
# Urethral detection of the screw.
ORIF – open reduction and internal fixation.

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American Journal of Case Reports eISSN: 1941-5923
American Journal of Case Reports eISSN: 1941-5923