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01 October 2023 : Editorial  USA

Editorial: The Increasing Relevance of Case Reports in Medical Education and Clinical Practice – and How to Write Them

Dinah V. Parums1CDEF*

DOI: 10.12659/AJCR.942670

Am J Case Rep 2023; 24:e942670

Table 2. Writing a case report: What to do and what not to do.

Components of the Case ReportWhat to Do (Dos)What Not to Do (Don’ts)
Instructions for AuthorsAlways read and follow these, and format the manuscript for your chosen journal.Do not ignore the instructions or submit a manuscript formatted for a different journal.
TitleWrite a clear and descriptive title of the case you are presenting.Do not use a vague and non-descriptive title that will not be identified on searches.
AbstractInclude relevant content in the subsections: Background: Case Report; Conclusions.Do not use the Abstract to present your own opinions or make clinical recommendations.
KeywordsUse Medical Subject Heading (MeSH) keywords and include – case report. See: Do not use non-standard keywords that cannot be identified on PubMed.
BackgroundIntroduce each topic of the report. Include current diagnostic and management guidelines and previous similar case reports. End with the aims of the report.Do not write a general ‘review’ or include content that is not specifically relevant to your case.
Case ReportWrite the case chronologically with the presentation, recent medical history, past medical history, diagnosis, management; follow-up, and outcomes. The content should be concise, relevant and present a story that holds the readers’ interest.Do not omit key clinical and diagnostic details, including laboratory and imaging findings. Do not include irrelevant details.
DiscussionFocus on this case. Begin with what the case has shown. Compare it with previous clinical studies and reports.Do not write a general ‘review’ or include content that is not specifically relevant to your case.
ConclusionsA brief statement is required of what the case supports or highlights.Do not make general or misleading clinical recommendations from one report.
AcknowledgmentsAcknowledge input from clinical colleagues not included as authors. Also, if the case has been previously presented as a meeting abstract, please acknowledge this.Do not write a case report without discussing it with clinical colleagues. If you are a student or trainee, do not write the report without senior supervision.
ReferencesReferences should be recent, relevant, accessible, and formatted correctly for the chosen journal. If the reference is only available on the internet, add the URL.Do not include inaccessible references. Do not state that you have undertaken a – ‘review of the literature’ – unless it is systematic.
FiguresThe credibility of the case depends on images to support the diagnosis.Do not omit clear and clearly described diagnostic figure images.
TablesInclude tables that clearly summarize the findings from the case.Do not include tables that are not relevant to the case.

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American Journal of Case Reports eISSN: 1941-5923
American Journal of Case Reports eISSN: 1941-5923