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31 March 2024 : Case report  USA

Surgical Treatment of Spontaneous Superficial Temporal Artery Arteriovenous Malformation: A Case Report

Challenging differential diagnosis, Rare disease, Congenital defects / diseases

Leslie R. Elmore1ABEF*, Christopher Esper1E, Andrei I. Gritsiuta ORCID logo1E, Jorge Lara-Gutierrez1E, Patrick Downs1E, Jon Henwood1E

DOI: 10.12659/AJCR.942839

Am J Case Rep 2024; 25:e942839

Table 1. Summary of 37 spontaneous superficial temporal artery arteriovenous malformations including laterality, treatment, recurrence at follow-up, and additional intervention if recurrence occurred.

AuthorSTA lateralityTreatmentRecurrenceIf recurrence, second intervention
Yang []1 RightEmbolization (balloon)NoN/A
Yang []1 RightEmbolization (balloon)NoN/A
Yang []1 LeftLost to follow-upNoN/A
Yang []1 LeftSurgical excisionNoN/A
Yang []1 LeftSurgical excisionNoN/A
Juan-Carpena []2 LeftEmbolization (PHIL)NoN/A
Li []3 LeftEmbolization (coils and Onyx) and surgical excisionNoN/A
Li []3 LeftEmbolization (coils and Onyx) and surgical excisionNoN/A
Yagi []4 LeftNo treatmentN/AN/A
Morandi []5 LeftSurgical excisionNoN/A
Matsushige []10 RightEmbolization (coils and gelatin) and surgical excisionNoN/A
Selleck []11 LeftLigationYesSurgical excision (successful)
Komatsu []12 RightSurgical excisionUnknownN/A
Vasconez []12 BilateralSurgical excisionNoN/A
Yoneda []12 RightElectrocauteryNoN/A
Waga []12 RightSurgical excisionNoN/A
Tani []12 RightSurgical excisionNoN/A
Irving []12 RightLigationYesSurgical excision (successful)
Goya []12 RightSurgical excisionNoN/A
Goya []12 BilateralEmbolization ×2 (unknown methods)YesSurgical excision (successful)
Schultz []12 LeftLigation and surgical excisionNoN/A
Takahashi []12 LeftSurgical excisionNoN/A
Kim []14 RightEmbolization (NBCA and Lipiodol)NoN/A
Chen []17 RightEndovascular (NBCA and lipiodol)NoN/A
Nishimura []20 RightSurgical excisionUnknownN/A
Hendrix []23 LeftEmbolization (3% Sotradecol, contrast, Avitene)NoN/A
Labropoulos []25 UnknownEndovascular (PVA)UnknownN/A
Labropoulos []25 UnknownEndovascular (coils and PVA)NoN/A
Shimoda []27 BilateralEmbolization (Gelfoam pieces)NoN/A
Shimoda []27 BilateralEmbolization (Gelfoam pieces)YesSurgical excision (successful)
Shimoda []27 LeftEmbolization (Gelfoam pieces)YesSurgical excision (successful)
Cross []28 LeftSurgical excisionNoN/A
Mohanty []29 RightLigationUnknownN/A
Kaufman []30 RightEmbolization (balloons) and surgical excisionNoN/A
Kaufman []30 RightEmbolization (balloons) and surgical excisionNoN/A
Takahashi []31 UnknownEmbolization ×2 (Gelfoam then Ivalon)YesSurgical excision (successful)
Kuroki []32 LeftSurgical excisionUnknownN/A

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American Journal of Case Reports eISSN: 1941-5923
American Journal of Case Reports eISSN: 1941-5923