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06 May 2024 : Case report  Jordan

Medial Hoffa Fracture: A Case Report and Literature Review of Approach and Management

Challenging differential diagnosis, Management of emergency care, Rare disease, Educational Purpose (only if useful for a systematic review or synthesis)

Alaa Akel1ABCDEFG, Mohammed Yahia Sarhan2ABCDEFG, Mohammad Abu-Jeyyab ORCID logo3ABCDEFG*, Salah Tewfik Daradkeh4ABCDEFG, Suhaib Moseley5ABCDEFG, Mohammad Saeed Dawoud5ABCDEFG

DOI: 10.12659/AJCR.943136

Am J Case Rep 2024; 25:e943136

Table 1. Summary of case series of medial Hoffa fractures.

AuthorCasesSurgical approachFixation methodOutcome
Kapoor et al []13 1 case (38-year-old) letenneur type (II)c fractureDirect posterior approachTwo headless Herbert screws in posteroanterior direction and non-parallel to each otherROM from 0° to 125° and full weight bearing at 8 weeks follow-up
Ozan et al []14 1 case (22-year-old) malunited Hoffa fractureMedial parapatellar approachTwo 4.5-mm headless compression screws in anteroposterior direction and one from medial to lateral directionThe functional outcome and knee joint alignment were improved without pain or disability
Sasidharan et al []15 1 case (35-year-old) malunited Hoffa fractureMedial parapatellar approachTwo 4-mm partially threaded cannulated screws in anteroposterior directionROM from 5° to 110° with full weight bearing at 3 months follow-up and pain when knee flexed beyond 110°
AlKhalife et al [1]16 1 case (12-year-old) letenneur type (III) fractureMedial parapatellar approach4-mm partially threaded cancellous screws perpendicular to the fracture lineROM from 15° to 130° without pain (6 months follow-up)
Holmes et al []17 3 casesMedial parapatellar approachAP: multiple parallel 3.5-mm screwsMean Knee Society score 173 (160–180). Mean follow-up 37 months (18 to 57)
Chang et al []18 2 cases; both patients had poliomyelitisPercutaneous (1) and open approach (1)AP. 2 Acutrak screwsFracture with displacement seen at 2 weeks. The revision includes the use of a 4.5-mm Dynamic Compression Plate (DCP) with a buttress plate design, along with 3 4.5-mm cortical screws placed proximal to the fracture site.The procedure involves the insertion of 2 Acutrak screws, one having an AP orientation and the other being a 4.5-mm cortical screw with a washer. These screws are placed proximally and laterally from the medial condyle. The range of motion (ROM) for the percutaneous case was from 0° to 100°, with a follow-up period of 9 months. For the revised open case, the ROM was from 0° to 110°, with a follow-up period of 5 months
Miyamoto et al []19 1 case, with ipsilateral femoral shaft fractureAP. Two 3.5-mm cortical screwsNo pain and full ROM at 3-month follow-up
Ocguder et al []20 1 case, with ipsilateral tibial spine avulsion and PCL ruptureMedial parapatellar approachAP. 2 Acutrak screwsAt 5 months postop ROM 0° to 35°. Modified Judet’s quadricepsplasty Performed. ROM 130° flexion (5-month follow-up)
AP – anterioposterior; Lat – lateral; ROM – range of motion; ACL – anterior cruciate ligament; PCL – posterior cruciate ligament.

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American Journal of Case Reports eISSN: 1941-5923
American Journal of Case Reports eISSN: 1941-5923