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13 April 2024 : Case report  Japan

Successful Superficial Blood Sampling to Localize a Fibroblast Growth Factor-23-Producing Tumor

Challenging differential diagnosis, Unusual setting of medical care, Rare disease, Educational Purpose (only if useful for a systematic review or synthesis)

Junjiro Rikitake1ABCDEF, Kenji Ashida ORCID logo1ABCDEF*, Ayako Nagayama1ACDEF, Yukihiro Inoguchi1CDEF, Nao Hasuzawa1CDEF, Masamichi Koganemaru2BCDE, Tetsuya Hamada3BCDE, Kanoko Moritaka1BCDE, Mutsuyuki Demiya1BCDE, Tomoki Sako1BCDE, Jun Akiba4BCDE, Koji Hiraoka3BCDE, Masatoshi Nomura1ACDEF

DOI: 10.12659/AJCR.943152

Am J Case Rep 2024; 25:e943152

Table 2. Examination of blood sampling methods from review of literature.

ACTHInferior petrosal sinus samplingProlactin(With CRH stimulation) Central/Peripheral ratio ≥3 indicates central production (Without CRH stimulation) Central/Peripheral ratio ≥2 indicates central production[,]7
Intact-PTHNoneElevation in the intact-PTH level by ≥2 times than that in other peripheral veins indicates the drainage vein[]14
InsulinSelective arterial secretagogue injection (SASI) testNone(Rapid gluconate calcium injection via branches of the celiac artery [gastroduodenal; splenic; and superior mesenteric arteries]) The substantial increase, after calcium injection, indicates the feeding artery of the insulinoma[]9
GastrinSelective arterial secretagogue injection (SASI) testNone(Rapid gluconate calcium injection via branches of the celiac artery [gastroduodenal; splenic; and superior mesenteric arteries]) The elevations in the gastrin level at either 20 or 40 s (>80 pg/mL and >20% from the basal level) indicate the feeding artery of the gastrinoma.[]22
AldosteroneCortisol(Mostly with intravenous administration of ACTH) The (aldosterone/cortisol) values are used for the following investigations:[,, ,]10
TestosteroneNoneThe sampling vein that shows the highest level is considered as the drainage vein A peripheral testosterone value ≥4.51 nmol/L (≥130 ng/dL) and R: L ovarian testosterone ratio ≥1.44[,]12
ProgesteroneNoneThe sampling vein exhibiting step-up of progesterone is considered as responsible site[]13
FGF-23• Principal veins (13 or 22 points) were listed for systemic exploration for detecting responsible tumorNoneThe sampling point that shows discernibly elevated FGF-23 level indicates the presence of FGF-23-producing tumor in its distal region[,, –]4
FGF-23 – fibroblast growth factor-23; ACTH – adrenocorticotropic hormone; PTH – parathyroid hormone; CT – computed tomography; MRI – magnetic resonance imaging.

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American Journal of Case Reports eISSN: 1941-5923
American Journal of Case Reports eISSN: 1941-5923