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15 June 2024 : Case report  Poland

Lung Lesions: Differential Diagnoses Beyond Cancer

Unusual clinical course, Challenging differential diagnosis

Paweł Jurczak ORCID logo1ABCDEF*, Anna Romaszko-Wojtowicz ORCID logo2ABDE, Anna Doboszyńska ORCID logo2DE

DOI: 10.12659/AJCR.943798

Am J Case Rep 2024; 25:e943798

Table 2. Summary of the clinical, radiological and histopathological presentation of the cases.

Patient 1Patient 2Patient 3Patient 4
History takingWorse well-being, dry coughDry cough, loss of body weightDyspnea at rest and on exertion, productive coughDry cough, dyspnea on exertion
Physical examinationNo deviationsNo deviationsWeakened alveolar murmur over pulmonary fields, single wheezesSwollen lower limbs, weaker alveolar murmurs over the left lung
Radiological image A nodular lesion with the diameter of about 9 cm infiltrating the lung hilum connecting to a nodular lesion containing calcifications, situated in the precardiac adipose tissue, which in turn connects to the thyroid tissueA peripheral nodule measuring 24×13 mm, located in the right lung, and an enlarged lymph node size 12 mm in the right hilumEmphysematous small-nodular and fibrous lesions. A focal lesion of 48 mm in diameter in the lower field of the left lungA solid, growing irregularly, extensive nodular and glandular infiltrate size 148×102 mm, remodeling the left lung; cysts size 55×42 mm in the liver, a hypodense focal lesion in the spleen, size 25 mm
Histopathological examination The sampled material found to contain thyroid cells, but no neoplastic growth detectedVisible numerous epitheliocellular granulomas, some with central necrosis. No neoplastic changes were detectedSmall fragments of the lung comprising a few pulmonary alveoli with thickened interalveolar septa, with the presence of erythrocytes and hemosiderinophages in the alveolar lumenDiffused infiltrate from large B cells, proliferation index Ki-67 70%
DiagnosisEctopic thyroid tissueTuberculosis of the lungsPost-traumatic pleural hematomaDiffuse large cell B lymphoma
* CT scan of the chest;
** core-needle biopsy material.

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American Journal of Case Reports eISSN: 1941-5923
American Journal of Case Reports eISSN: 1941-5923