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12 October 2024 : Case report  Greece

Aortic Homografts in Surgical Management of Prosthetic Valve Endocarditis: A Case Series from Greece

Management of emergency care, Rare disease, Educational Purpose (only if useful for a systematic review or synthesis)

Vlasios Karageorgos1ABCDEF, Antigoni Koliopoulou2ABDEF, Anna Smyrli1ABE, Georgios Gkantinas1ABE, Panagiotis Ftikos1ABE, Nektarios E. Kogerakis2ABE, Theofani Antoniou1ABDEG, Themistoklis Chamogeorgakis2ABCDEFG*

DOI: 10.12659/AJCR.945030

Am J Case Rep 2024; 25:e945030

Table 1. Patient Characteristics. The table describes patient characteristics, comorbidities, length of stay, type of operation, antibiotic therapy duration and microorganism identified and inculpated for endocarditis.

PatientAgeLength of stay (days)BMISexComorbiditiesInitial operationFinal operationInterval between interventions (in months)Antibiotic therapy duration pre-op (days)Parenteral antibiotic therapy duration (days)Identified microorganism
1812126.3MaleHyperlipidemia, hypertensionAVR with Medtronic Avalus Bio 19 mmAortic root replacement with Homograft81530
2771520.1MaleDM II, hypertensionAVR with St. Jude Trifecta 19 mmAortic root replacement with Homograft192034
3732925.9MaleDM II, hypertensionAVR with St. Jude Trifecta 19 mm & MVR with St. Jude Epic Bio 27 mmAortic root replacement with Homograft51730 (MRSE)
4783120.1MaleHypertensionBentall – Valved GraftAortic root replacement with Homograft1742236
5554426.2MaleDM II, hypertensionBentall – Valved GraftAortic root replacement with Homograft + CABG SVG to RCA + Neo-aorta creation using bovine pericardium991430 &
6516634FemaleDM II, hypertensionAVR with St. Jude Mechanical 19 mm & MVR St. Jude Mechanical 29 mm & TV-plasty ring contour 3D 36 mmAortic Root replacement with Homograft + aorto-mitral skeleton reconstruction with bovine pericardium and MVR271430Not identified
7443527.1MaleHypertensionAVR with St. Jude Mechanical 23 mm & Ascending aortic graftAortic root replacement with Homograft161130Not identified
8653323.4MaleHypertensionAVR with St. Jude Mechanical 23 mm & CABG LIMA->LAD, SVG->OM1Aortic root replacement with Homograft + CABG SVG to RCA501444

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American Journal of Case Reports eISSN: 1941-5923
American Journal of Case Reports eISSN: 1941-5923