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03 January 2025 : Case report  Taiwan

Anti-Estrogen Therapy Achieves Complete Remission and Stability in Recurrent Cervical Cancer: A Case Study

Unusual or unexpected effect of treatment, Diagnostic / therapeutic accidents

Mun-Kun Hong12ABCDEF, Ching-Hsing Chiang1BEF, Chiu-Hsuan Cheng ORCID logo3BDE, Tang-Yuan Chu124ACDEF*

DOI: 10.12659/AJCR.946296

Am J Case Rep 2025; 26:e946296

Table 1. Timeline of the patient’s symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up.

DateMonth since first recurrenceAntiestrogenSCC-AgAcessment
Apr. 09−121,2Vaginal bleeding, diagnosed as SCC by cervical biopsy
May 09−111,3
Jun. 09−91,4CCRT
Jul. 09−80,8
Oct. 09−50,4SCC-Ag came to nadir
Mar. 10−10,323-Mar-10 First PET-CT indicated *first central recurrence of SCC (SUVmax: early: 4.59, delayed: 6.34).
May. 1001,1Cervical biopsies revealed necrotic debris
Aug. 106Tamoxifen1,4
Nov. 1090,9
Oct. 11201
Feb. 12241,71-Jun-12 2 PET-CT
May 12271,4
Dec. 12341,5
Mar. 13370,9
Jun. 13403,5Significant elevation of SCC-Ag indicating *2 recurence
Sep. 1343Change tamoxifen to Letrozole5,5
Oct. 13446,927-Nov-13 3 PET-CT
Jul. 14531,6
Oct. 14561,7
Dec. 14582,1
Jun. 15693,1Died of noncancer-related pneumonia and acute decompensated heart failure
SCC – squamous cervical carcinoma; CCRT – concurrent chemoradiotherapy; PET-CT – positron emission tomography-computed tomography. The exact date was shaded (left only month and year) to prevent identifacation of personal data.

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American Journal of Case Reports eISSN: 1941-5923
American Journal of Case Reports eISSN: 1941-5923