09 October 2020 : Case report
A Case of Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy with a Rare Transition Pattern of Left Ventricular Wall Motion Abnormality
Unusual clinical course
Masamichi Yasutomi1ABCDEF, Shotaro Nakamura1BCD, Yuya Makino1B, Ayako Kunimura1B, Kenzo Fukuhara1B, Masafumi Takeda1B, Akira Kimata1B, Sonoko Hirayama1B, Hiroyuki Mataki1B, Toru Ozawa1B, Nobutaka Inoue1ACDEF*DOI: 10.12659/AJCR.926670
Am J Case Rep 2020; 21:e926670
Figure 2. (A) Coronary angiogram of right coronary artery (right side) and left coronary artery (left side). There were no significant stenotic lesions. (B) Left ventricular (LV) angiogram of end-diastolic phase (left side) and end-systolic phase (right side). LV wall motion was decreased in the middle of LV (white dots) and the hyperkinetic motion was seen in the base and apical portion of the LV (white arrows). (C) Transthoracic echocardiogram of LV of end-diastolic phase (left side) and endsystolic phase (right side) 1 week after the onset. LV wall motion showed that a typical pattern of the apical ballooning was observed (white dots) and the hyperkinetic motion was seen in the base of the LV (white arrows).