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24 November 2020 : Case report  USA

A 45-Year-Old Man with Scleroderma Renal Crisis Associated with a History of Systemic Sclerosis Sine Scleroderma

Challenging differential diagnosis, Unusual setting of medical care, Rare disease

Panupong Hansrivijit1ABCDEF*, Kelechi F. Omeonu1BCDEF, Halimat O. Lawal1BCD, Mounika Gangireddy1BCD, Kinjal P. Gadhiya1BCD, Ravinder S. Dhatt1BCD

DOI: 10.12659/AJCR.927030

Am J Case Rep 2020; 21:e927030

Figure 2. (A–L) Computed tomography of the chest that shows bilateral pulmonary infiltrates, most notable in the mid- to upper lung fields without evidence of acute pulmonary embolism.

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American Journal of Case Reports eISSN: 1941-5923
American Journal of Case Reports eISSN: 1941-5923