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30 January 2021 : Case report  USA

Closure of a Prosthetic Mitral Valve Paravalvular Leak Using a Ventricular Septal Defect (VSD) Amplatzer Occluder Device

Unusual clinical course, Diagnostic / therapeutic accidents, Unusual setting of medical care

Oreoluwa Oladiran1ABCDEF*, Gabriel Areoye2ACDEF, Adeolu O. Oladunjoye3ACDEF, Olubunmi O. Oladunjoye2ACDEF, Eric Elgin1ABCDE, Anthony Licata1ABCDEF

DOI: 10.12659/AJCR.928003

Am J Case Rep 2021; 22:e928003

Figure 1. Transesophageal echocardiography showing large vegetation on mitral valve leaflet. A transthoracic echocardiogram showing large vegetation (red arrow) on the leaflet of the mitral valve with evidence of associated leaflet perforation.

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American Journal of Case Reports eISSN: 1941-5923
American Journal of Case Reports eISSN: 1941-5923