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07 September 2022 : Case report  Japan

A Case of Segmental Arterial Mediolysis of Multiple Visceral Arteries Following Anti-COVID-19 Vaccination: Late Complication or Rare Coincidence?

Unusual clinical course, Challenging differential diagnosis, Diagnostic / therapeutic accidents, Management of emergency care, Unexpected drug reaction, Clinical situation which can not be reproduced for ethical reasons

Akihiro Takeda1ABCDEF*, Wataru Koike2BCD, Fumihiro Okumura3BCD

DOI: 10.12659/AJCR.937505

Am J Case Rep 2022; 23:e937505

Figure 1. Segmental arterial mediolysis after anti-COVID-19 mRNA vaccination. (A) An abdominal computed tomography shows stenosis and dilatation of multiple visceral arteries, including the middle and right colic arteries (green circle), omental arteries with spindle-shaped dilatation and stenosis (red circle), and left epiploic artery developing occlusion due to arterial dissection (arrow), 58 days after third injection of anti-COVID-19 mRNA vaccination. (B) Fifty-two days after symptom onset, a spindle-shaped aneurysmal structure was observed in the left gastric artery via computed tomography (arrow), while the lesions observed at initial presentation subsided. (C) Seventy-five days after symptom onset, aneurysmal dilatation of the left gastric artery spontaneously resolved (arrow).

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American Journal of Case Reports eISSN: 1941-5923
American Journal of Case Reports eISSN: 1941-5923