21 October 2022
: Case report
Brain Abscesses Caused by Nocardia farcinica in a 44-Year Old Woman with Multiple Myeloma: A Rare Case and Review of the Literature
Challenging differential diagnosis, Diagnostic / therapeutic accidents, Management of emergency care, Rare disease, Rare coexistence of disease or pathology
Khaled Sayer1ABCDEFG, Yousef A.I. Abousedu
DOI: 10.12659/AJCR.937952
Am J Case Rep 2022; 23:e937952
Figure 1. T1-weighted magnetic resonance imaging of brain after gadolinium administration revealed multiple ring-enhancing lesions. (A) Axial view showing multi-compartment left frontal lesions (arrows) measuring 4.6×3.8×3.2 cm with mass effect. (B) Axial view showing left and right fronto-parietal lesions measuring 1.2×2.2×3 cm and 1.6×1.3×1.5 cm, respectively, (arrows) in close proximity to an eloquent area (primary motor cortex is located within the yellow highlighted box). (C) Sagittal view demonstrating the lesions surrounded by extensive vasogenic edema (asteriks). (D) Diffusion-weighted imaging showing diffusion restriction as indicated by the hyperintensity (arrows). (E) Non-contrast computed tomography of brain showing several hypodense round lesions in the left frontal region (arrows) with well-defined hyperdense ring, surrounded by edema (asteriks), causing mass effect and effacement of the anterior horn of left lateral ventricle.