11 June 2024
: Case report
Remarkable Recovery After Severe Gunshot Brain Injury: A Comprehensive Case Study of Functional Rehabilitation
Unusual clinical course, Management of emergency care
Christos Tsitsipanis12ABDEF, Ioanna Papadimitriou3BDEF, Ioannis Tsoukaras4ABDEF, Nikolaos Moustakis1DEF, Sofia Lazarioti1DEF, Athanasios K. Theofanopoulos1BDF, Georgia Kritikou5EF, Konstantinos Ntotsikas1DEF*, Panagiotis Simos6ADEF, Emmanouil Kokkinakis7BDF, Dimitris Karabetsos
DOI: 10.12659/AJCR.941601
Am J Case Rep 2024; 25:e941601
Figure 1. Acute-phase axial computed tomography scan. The arrow indicates the entry point of the bullet, which caused fragmentation of the left temporal bone (petrosal part) and part of the occipital bone. The presence of cerebral fragments, edema, and diffuse contusions can be identified.