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11 June 2024: Articles

Remarkable Recovery After Severe Gunshot Brain Injury: A Comprehensive Case Study of Functional Rehabilitation

Unusual clinical course, Management of emergency care

Christos Tsitsipanis A , Ioanna Papadimitriou B , Ioannis Tsoukaras A , Nikolaos Moustakis D , Sofia Lazarioti D , Athanasios K. Theofanopoulos B , Georgia Kritikou E , Konstantinos Ntotsikas D* , Panagiotis Simos A , Emmanouil Kokkinakis B , Dimitrios Karabetsos A , Antonis Vakis A

DOI: 10.12659/AJCR.941601

Am J Case Rep 2024; 25:e941601

Figure 9. Postoperative axial computed tomography scan. Postoperative findings after left decompressive craniectomy, extensive cerebral edema of the left hemisphere. The projectile that was previously mentioned can be identified at the occipital lobe, as it was not extracted, pointed by the arrow.

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American Journal of Case Reports eISSN: 1941-5923
American Journal of Case Reports eISSN: 1941-5923